Guidelines for fees for external examiners

Remuneration is paid to external examiners at HVL according to these regulations.

These guidelines apply from  November 2023. Change of rates for home exams from 18.10.2024.

Salary and basic remuneration

  • Hourly pay for external examiners is calculated on an annual salary equivalent to wage level step 66. Those who have a higher wage level can provide documentation (pay slip) and receive payment accordingly, but not exceeding equivalent wage level 76.
  • Hourly pay is calculated as follows: Annual salary minus deductions for Training and Development funds (NOK 400) divided by 1950 hours.
  • Unless otherwise specified, a basic fee of two hours per examination assignment will be provided regardless of the number of candidates. The basic fee will only be paid if there is at least one candidate who submits examination answers.
  • In special cases, the basic fee may be more than two hours. This should be clarified in advance.
  • The total examiner fee covers not only examination work, but also the examiner's preparations (e.g. assignment consulting) and post- work (e.g. co-examination and jusification of grade).

Calculation of time

Calculation of time when using assessment forms that are not specifically mentioned here is calculated from the time that is actually used at the examination site/in the assessment work in addition to the basic fee. This includes practical exams and portfolio assessments.

Written exam and short at home exam (under 12 hours=

Length of exam:

  • 2 hours or less
    • 0,5 hour per exampaper
  • 3 or 4 hours
    • 0,7 hour per exampaper
  • 5 hours
    • 0,9 hour per exampaper
  • 6 hours or longer
    • 1,1 hour per exampaper

Home exam and other written assignments (not portfolio assessments)

If there is 1 student per assignment:

  • Up to 5 credits: 1 hour per assignment.
  • Up to 10 credits: 2 hours per assignment.
  • Up to 15 credits: 3 hours per assignment.
  • Up to 20 credits: 4 hours per assignment.
  • Up to 25 credits: 5 hours per assignment.
  • Up to 30 credits: 6 hours per assignment.
  • Up to 45 credits: 7 hours per assignment.
  • Up to 60 credits: 8 hours per assignment.

If there are 2 or more students per assignment:

  • Up to 5 credits: 1.3 hours per assignment.
  • Up to 10 credits: 2.6 hours per assignment.
  • Up to 15 credits: 3.9 hours per assignment.
  • Up to 20 credits: 5.2 hours per assignment.
  • Up to 25 credits: 6.5 hours per assignment.
  • Up to 30 credits: 7.8 hours per assignment.
  • Up to 45 credits: 9.1 hours per assignment.
  • Up to 60 credits: 10.4 hours per assignment.

Oral exam

0,75 hour per exam

Master's - and bachelor's theses

Examination assignments related to master's and bachelor's theses do not receive a basic fee for grading the written thesis. Here, the following rates include both preparation and post-work:

Any additional oral examination will be rewarded according to the same rates as other oral examinations, in addition to the rates below (refer to the oral examination tab above).

Bachelor's theses:

2 hours per student per thesis, minimum of 3 hours per thesis.

Master's theses:

  • Up to 30 credits and 1 student per thesis: 10 hours per thesis.
  • Up to 45 credits and 1 student per thesis: 11 hours per thesis.
  • Up to 60 credits and 1 student per thesis: 12 hours per thesis.
  • Up to 30 credits and 2 or more students per thesis: 13 hours per thesis.
  • Up to 45 credits and 2 or more students per thesis: 14.3 hours per thesis.
  • Up to 60 credits and 2 or more students per thesis: 15.6 hours per thesis.

Appeal assessment

The basic fee for appeal assessment is four hours. Otherwise, the regular rates for the respective assessment form apply. This also applies to appeal assessments for bachelor's and master's theses, even though these normally do not have a basic fee.

External examiners receive a digital fee form to sign. More information for external examiners .

For more information on enrollment and qualification requirements for external examiners, see chapter 13 of the regulations on studies and examinations at HVL (only in Norwegian)