Sitting written/digital exams
It is important for you to read this page before the day of the exam
Before the exam starts
- Get to the exam venue at least 20 minutes before the exam start time.
- For digital exams, your computer must be ready and you must be logged in for the digital written exam at least 10 minutes before the exam start time. You must have downloaded and tested the FLOWlock browser before the day of the exam.
- To be allowed to proceed with the exam, you must show a valid photo ID, such as a driving licence, bank card, national ID card or passport. Note that a student card or the student ID app are not classed as valid forms of identification.
- Jackets, bags, handbags etc. must be placed in the designated location. Mobile phones, headphones, smart watches and other electronic devices that will not be used during the exam must be turned off and put away, and must not be kept in pockets or on the desk.
- Written exams start when the exam question papers have been handed out. If authorised support materials will be inspected before the question paper has been handed out, the exam starts when you have handed in support materials for inspection.
- If unauthorised support material is found, this will be confiscated and the matter may be handled as cheating or attempted cheating. You may continue the exam and submit the answer paper at your own risk. Evaluation of whether a matter will constitute a case of cheating or attempted cheating will take place after the exam.
On the use of support material
During the exam
- You have a duty to comply with the instructions given by the invigilators in the exam venue.
- Valid ID (with photo) must be displayed on your desk throughout the exam.
- You may have food and drink on your desk throughout the exam. You can eat and drink whenever you want.
- You may not leave the exam venue until the list of candidates has been signed, and no earlier than one hour after the exam has started.
- Students who arrive late for the exam will only have access to the exam during the first hour after the exam has started.
- You may not communicate with other students during the exam, either personally or digitally.
- You may contact the person with academic responsibility if something in the question paper is unclear. This contact will be conveyed through the venue’s senior invigilator.
- You may only leave your seat if accompanied by an invigilator, and after covering your paper. You may not have any access to written material or electronic devices during this break.
Digital written exams
- If you experience technical problems, you must contact an invigilator or technical invigilator immediately, or if necessary wait for other technical assistance. If you do not contact an invigilator when you experience technical problems, this may be regarded as cheating or attempted cheating.
The exam answer paper
- Candidate numbers will be allocated in the exam venue. All fair copy papers must be marked with the candidate number and page number. The first and last page must also be marked with remaining information (date, course code, course name, course/class and number of sheets submitted).
- You must only use paper that has been handed out in the exam venue. Other paper is not permitted. Use your own writing implements. Exam papers may be handed out once you have sat down, but you cannot write anything or make notes until the exam start time.
- You must write your answer paper in black or blue ballpoint pen. Gel pens, roller pens, pencils or other writing implements that do not leave a clear impression are not permitted. You are personally responsible for ensuring that the copy is legible.
- Rough sheets cannot be submitted with your answer sheets.
- You may continue writing until the time for the exam has ended.
Digital written exams
- Your candidate number will automatically be registered on your answer paper.
- You must write directly in WISEflow. The exam question paper will be available in WISEflow when the exam has started.
- If you need to draw or write parts of your answer on paper, you can register this as extra material in WISEflow. It is your responsibility to ensure that these are saved in the system.
Submitting the exam
- For paper exams, you have 15 minutes after the exam has ended to organise/sort your papers before you hand them in.
- For digital exams, the exam is submitted automatically in WISEflow when the allotted exam time ends. It is your responsibility to keep track of the time. If you need to upload images or drawings, you may have 15 minutes extra for this. When the exam time has ended, put your hand up. The invigilator will then enter a new password which you need to complete the exam. Click on “Go to submission” at the top right-hand corner, and follow the invigilator’s instructions. When submission is complete, you will receive confirmation. When you have received this, close the FLOWlock browser and then you can turn off the computer.
- Your answer paper will be available in your participant archive for as long as you are a student at HVL. This does not apply if it is a FLOWmulti exam.
Illness during an exam
If you fall ill during an exam, you must notify the invigilator before you leave the venue.
In the spring of 2022, self-declaration is approved as a valid absence from the exam. This applies to both absences related to the corona and absences due to illness for other reasons.
You must, however, still submit the authorised absence form in order to have a valid absence approved, but the requirement for documentation from a doctor, psychologist or other expert person as is normally required is waived.
Any questions?
Get in touch with the Examinations Office, which will get back to you as quickly as possible. You can also see if you can find the answer in Mime, the virtual assistant that you will find at the bottom right of the screen.