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  • Byggtjeneste Portalen

    Ressursen krever innlogging

    It contains collection of laws, regulations and directives for construction companies.

  • Documents and publications by the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization.

  • DNV

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    It provides research publications and technology in the area of maritime, oil and gas and energy from Det Norske Veritas. The collection consists of documents on regulations for the classification ships, offshore codes, and certification standards and guidelines.

    This database contains also IACS (Unified Requirements and Commons Structural - Rules for Oil Tankers and Bulk Carriers), IOM/ILO conventions and IMO Vega database (SOLAS, MARPOL, Loadline).

    To access: Click on "Sign in" and login using your Feide.

    Access to Rules and Standards Explorer+ requires that you create a user account at Veracity Marketplace (use your HVL email). Or send an e-mail to the library with a registration request.

  • IEEE Xplore

    Ressursen krever innlogging

    It is a digital library of scientific and technical publications in electrical engineering, computer science, electronics and technology published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and its partners. It provides access to more than 3 million full-text documents, which comprise over 160 journals, 1,200 conference proceedings and 3,800 technical standards. It is updated monthly with about 25,000 newly added documents. 

  • Lyskultur

    Ressursen krever innlogging

    Nationwide competence network for the lighting industry. Publishes publications that are guides to national and international norms and standards, as well as practical guides for designing lighting systems, including luxury tables.

    Register with HVL email address to access.

    Only available in Norwegian.

  • Norsk Gassnorm

    Ressursen krever innlogging

    Requirements and rules for design, installation, control and operation/maintenance of gas plants. Only in Norwegian.

  • PSA's regulations for the petroleum industry on the Norwegian continental shelf. Resources include legal documents, standards, guidelines and national and international agreements.

  • SINTEF Byggfors

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    Access to Byggforskserien (Constructions research series), Byggebransjens våtromsnorm (Structural engineering wet rooms norms) and Byggeregler (Construction regulations) from SINTEF Byggforsk.

    To access: click "Logg inn" and login with your HVL-email and password.

    (Only Norwegian)


    Ressursen krever innlogging

    For students:
    If you need a standard from Standards Norway, check in Oria whether it is available in print version. If not available at HVL, you can get online reading access by buying a student subscription (information only available in Norwegian).

    For employees:
    Standards from Standards Norway can be found online at and/or as print publications in Oria. From April 2024 you get access to our online standards by choosing the "Microsoft Office 365" option under "Single Sing-On" at's log in page. Please contact the library if you need to order a standard that HVL does not have access to. The online standards can be printed.

  • It contains about 115 issues of VA/Miljø magazine published by Norsk Kommunalteknisk Forening (NKF). It provides standards and recommendations for technical solutions and operations within the VA subject based on best practice.

    Only available in Norwegian.