It is important to credit the correct institution in your publications. It is at the time of publishing, not of registering, that it is determined which institution earns the points for your publication.
When publishing
The general rule is that you credit the institution where you worked on the publication. Sometimes you need to credit several institutions. These are the main principles, as quoted on (Chapter 2.2):
- An institution shall be listed as an address in a publication if it has given a necessary or significant contribution to or basis for an author's contribution to the published work.
- The same author should list the address of other institutions as well if these in each case also meet the requirements of paragraph 1.
- Employment or supervision of graduate students can be considered a basis for crediting an institution if the requirement of paragraph 1 is met.
You should always use Western Norway University of Applied Sciences as author’s address in your publication if it is the result of work carried out in a position at HVL. You may also add the name of your faculty, institute or centre, if possible. In HVL’s intranet Vestibylen you will find a list of English names of various units.
When registering in Cristin
The author’s address (your affiliation) as given in an academic publication determines which address you should enter when registering it in Cristin. It is obligatory to register all institutions mentioned in the publication. There is no point in registering institutions that are not mentioned in the publication, as they are not eligible for publication points.
In Cristin an affiliation will automatically appear when you are logged in. However, you may add additional institutions in case you have part-time positions or project engagements elsewhere. You may even replace the institution suggested by Cristin in an individual registration, for instance if you have recently changed your workplace and your new publication is the result of your previous employments.
Keep in mind that in anthologies your address will usually figure in the section called “Contributors”. Thus, it is important that you credit correct institution(s) when you compose the short bio of yourself for the anthology you are contributing to.
Author shares
If a publication is written by several authors located at different Norwegian institutions, the publication points will be shared between them, depending on how many author shares that are credited to each institution. An author share is a unique combination of author and institution, meaning that each author’s contribution is dividable in several shares, depending on how many addresses that are given in the publication and registered in Cristin.
If you credit two or more institutions, each of these will receive an equal share of “your” publication points.
As co-authors count only those who meet the criteria of the Vancouver Recommendations.