HVL's Publication series

Our publication series is a channel for documenting and disseminating research and development activities (FoU) at HVL.

Publications in our series do not generate publication points, but offers an alternative channel for disseminating academic work that is normally not published as articles or book chapters.

HVL offers two series:

HVL Report (ISSN 2535-8103)

Relevant for the most extensive publications, for instance project reports or seminar/conference proceedings.

Published HVL Reports.

HVL Paper (ISSN 2703-710X)

A channel for shorter publications, such as smaller reports, strategy documents, project plans.

Published HVL Papers ("Notat").

Reports and papers ("notat") are published online in our institutional repository HVL Open under CC-BY licence.

The faculties are responsible for assessing and accepting your manuscript before publishing. On 3 June 2021, the pro-rector for research, the vice-deans for research and representatives of the library agreed on the following routines: 

The author her-/himself is responsible for engaging an internal or external reviewer qualified for assessing the manuscript. To write a review is voluntary, and may be taken into consideration when assessing the pedagogical qualification of the employee reviewing the manuscript, and may be included in his or her pedagogical portfolio. Head of section or pro-rector for research must verify that the manuscript has been reviewed before submission. Whether the manuscript should be published as a report or paper will also be decided in this process. By submitting the manuscript the author confirms that it has been accepted for publication in accordance with these routines.

The library takes care of the legal depositing of your publication with the National Library and of making it available in Oria and Google Scholar.

How to submit

  1. Download one of the templates, either for HVL Report or HVL Paper ("notat") (currently available in Norwegian only).
  2. Copy your manuscript into the template.
  3. Make sure that the manuscript has been reviewed in accordance with the routines as described above.
  4. Contact Monica Bjorheim or Lise Vik-Haugen at the library, who will provide you with ISBN and publication number, which you subsequently add to your manuscript.
  5. Submit your manuscript from our website (in Norwegian only). 


Research Librarian
Senior Executive Officer