Academic Writing
What is academic writing? How can I improve my writing skills?
To write academically means to explore a research question while drawing on existing knowledge. No matter what level you are on, you are expected to demonstrate that you are a student capable of independent judgements with help from theories, methods and previous research in your field.
The website Search & Write (Søk & Skriv) contains useful tips for those writing academically. Here you can read more about the writing process, structure, academic style, argumentation and discussion. Seach & Write also shows you how to create a correct bibliography and insert exact references in your text. Make it a habit to use Seach & Write as a student. The library also has numerous books about academic writing.
When you have written an assignment draft and would like to discuss it with someone, you are welcome to contact one of our tutors.
Other resources on academic writing
Information evaluation
Formal requirements
- General formal requirements. Specific requirements may apply for your assignment.
- HVLs official front page templates for Bachelor's and Master's theses.