Density in Bergen: Quality and Values in The Compact City of Bergen.
Project owner
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences
Project categories
Academic Development
Project period
October 2020 - March 2023
Project summary
Today, cities all over Europe are framing in a positive light, focusing on higher density development and housing density. To build cities more compact, dense, and with high-density downtowns, is often referred to as ‘the compact city’. Last 5 years a lot of new schemes and houses are built along the light train area, by the local authorities defined as a high-destiny area of the city of Bergen. In this project we therefore ask: How does the new built schemes and constructions correspond with the original plans and planning of the compact city of Bergen? We also ask how the compact city and density in Bergen correspond with citizen’s everyday life, their dwelling, and their dense dwelling.
Kvantitativ og kvalitativ metode: observasjon, kvalitativ observasjon, kvalitative intervju, dokumentsudier, GiS.