Pro-environmental behaviour in science and vocational education (PeBSciVoc)
Project owner
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
Project period
September 2021 - August 2024
Project summary
Today, educational institutions and programmes, at their best, take their environmental responsibility seriously and thus contribute significantly to solving one of the greatest societal challenges of our time. Science and technology education in particular are seen as a key to change.
The PeBSciVoc project asks how pronounced the ecological awareness or the will to participate in the societal transformation is, among pupils, student teachers and active teachers. The study presented here provides a scientifically based investigation of the expression of environmental behaviour and focuses on the key topics of vocational and scientific-technical education. In this way, we also take a look at the conditional factors of education for sustainable development.
This study not only provides important data relevant to educational contexts, but also shows leverage points for companies to design up-to-date and innovative in-company training.