European Network of Picturebook Research – the 7th International conference
– Verbal and visual strategies in nonfiction picturebooks
The 7th International conference in the European Network of Picturebook Research will be held at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL) in Bergen on September 26 – 28, 2019.
Register here berfore July 31.!Programme Thursday 26/9
9.00 9.50Registration and coffee/tea
10.00 10.20Welcome
10.20 12.20Opening perspectives
Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer and Jörg Meibauer:
Narrating energy: How picturebooks engaged children in knowledge about coal, oil, gas, and the atomNikola von Merveldt:
Factual Fictions and Fictions of the Factual: A typology for describing hybrid non-fiction picturebooksMarnie Campagnaro:
Stepping into the world of houses. Children's picturebooks on architecture (1969-2019) -
12.20 13.30Lunch
13.30 14.50Biographies 1
Berit Westergaard Bjørlo:
Picturebook biographies about Frida Kahlo: Adaptations of life stories and art worksLesley D. Clement:
Metaphors, Counterstories, and Rentrayage in an Artist’s Biography: Amy Novesky/Isabelle Arsenault’s Cloth Lullaby: The Woven Life of Louise Bourgeois -
13.30 14.50Portuguese nonfiction
Inês Costa:
Learning, playing and falling asleep: Portuguese non-fiction picturebooks for every occasionSara Reis da Silva:
Contributions to the History of nonfictional children’s books in Portugal: the collection «My First Books», by Natércia Rocha -
14.50 15.20Coffee/tea and cake
15.20 16.40Evolution and ecocriticism
Anna Karlskov Skyggebjerg:
Nonfiction picturebooks about evolution – a basis for aesthetic experience?Åse Marie Ommundsen and Gunnar Haaland:
An ecocritical reading of knowledge construction and artistic strategies in Verden sa ja [The world said yes] (2018) by Kaia Dahle Nyhus -
15.20 16:40Art, empathy and ecocriticism
Dorena Caroli:
From “piece of art” to “toy books”. Nonfiction picturebooks in Soviet Union and in France (1930-1950)
Janice Bland:
Making the stone stony in nonfiction picturebooks -
16:45 17.15Book launches
Programme Friday 27/9:
9.00 11.00Multimodal strategies
Giorgia Grilli:
Nonfiction and Imagination. Picturebooks that make children think, feel, wonder, grasp, connect, as opposed to simply accept a given explanation of the world.Anne-Stefi Teigland:
Facts or fun? A study of visual transmission of knowledge in nonfiction for childrenCelia Abicalil Belmiro and Marcus Vinicius Rodrigues Martins:
Stylistic and multimodal strategies in reference books for children -
9.00 11.00Gardens and butterflies
Malin Drugge:
Botanical children in Swedish narrative nonfiction picturebooksFabrizio Bertolino, Emilio Bertoncini, Anna Perazzone and Sara Vincett:
The first vegetable garden. Four professionals among the pages of nonfiction picturebooksElżbieta Jamróz-Stolarska:
From a comic book about Białowieża Forest to the butterfly atlas. Polish picturebooks about nature -
11.00 11.30Coffee/tea and fruit
11.30 12.50Biographies 2
Inger-Kristin Vie Larsen:
Visual and verbal representations in new, Norwegian biographies for children and young adultMaria Casado Villanueva:
Portraits of the Artist as Young Men: Biography, Intermediality, and Emotional Engagement in Picture Book Accounts of Poets’ Lives -
11.30 12.50Gender
Emanuel Madalena:
T is for trans-inclusive: transgender themes in non-fiction picturebooksSarah Hoem Iversen:
The (re)presentation of knowledge in picture dictionaries: gendered representations of children -
13.00 14.00Lunch
14.00 16.00Rights and ideology
Maria Pujol-Valls, Mariona Graell Martín, Amàlia Ramoneda Rimbau and Paola Bustamante:
How new artistic strategies in nonfiction picturebooks help address children’s rightsPetros Panaou and Angela Yannicopoulou:
Visual and verbal strategies communicating ideology in nonfiction picturebooks about sculpturesNicola Daly:
New Zealand Sufragettes and the Implied Readers of 2 New Zealand Picturebooks -
14.00 16.00Artwork and ABC Books
Małgorzata Cackowska:
Artistic strategies in visualising letters – the best original Polish ABC books in the 20th and 21st centuriesBetül Gaye Dinç and Ilgım Veryeri Alaca:
Interacting with Non-Fiction Picturebooks in Art MuseumsNina Goga:
Teaching interspecies awareness through artistic nonfiction ABC picturebooks -
16.00 16.20Coffee/tea and cake
16.20 17.40Controversial Nonfiction
Hanna Dymel-Trzebiatowska
Transgressing cultural borders.
Controversial Swedish nonfiction
picturebooks in Polish translation
Anne Marie Øines and Eva Maagerø
How are children made? Picture
books about human procreation
for young children -
19.00Conference dinner
Programme Saturday 28/9
9.20 10.40Cities and citizens
Ana Margarida Ramos:
Can a city map be a picturebook? Alternative publishing formats for childrenChristophe Meunier:
Who Built That? Becoming a Citizen of the World with Didier Cornille’s Picturebooks -
9.20 10.40Science for children
Frauke Pauwels:
Chasing Science with Professor Astro Cat: blends in nonfiction picturebooksGökhan Ersan:
Picturebooks of the Atom : The Cognitive Art of Marie Neurath and Beyond -
10.40 11.00Coffee/tea and fruit
11.00 13.30Closing perspectives
Yael Darr:
Zionist Struwwelpetes: Illustrated Catalogues of Childish Behavior during Israeli Nation-buildingBeate Laudenberg:
Wolves – European Wildlife in Nonfiction PicturebooksSmiljana Narančić Kovač:
A semiotic model of the non-narrative picturebook -
13.00 13.30Summing up and launching the next conference
13.30 Lunch and goodbyes
About the conference
The European Network of Picturebook Research was established during the first picturebook conference in Barcelona in September 2007. Since then, biannual conferences have been held in different European countries. The aims of the conferences are to foster international picturebook research, to promote young researchers who are focusing on the investigation of picturebooks and to publish selected papers presented at the conferences through international publishers or in peer-reviewed journals. Read more about the conference here.
Conference fee
Early registration fee (before May 15, 2019): € 60,00
Fee after May 15 (till July 31), 2019: € 95,00
Conference dinner: € 35,00 (drinks not included)
Key dates
- Call for papers: December 15, 2018
- Notification of acceptance: March 15, 2019
- Final date for registration: July 31, 2019
- PhD workshop September 25, 2019