Call for papers

The participants are invited to present theoretical and practical papers and to give and receive responses.  

Papers to be presented should be in a brief description of about 400 words. It should contain the theme, method, main conclusion and time needed to present the paper at the conference.

The intention is that selected papers and articles will be published in an adademic journal.

Relevant topics for the papers are:

  • Eco-theology and eco-ethics,
  • Global ecological risk, sustainable development and case studies,
  • Spiritual values, eco-theology and dialog 
  • Religion in work with sustainability and ecotheology?
  • What is the potential of eco-theology and eco-ethics as a platform for dialogue and cooperation between different faiths and religions?
  • How can the subject of religion in schools be integrated with this theme?
  • Good practices in sustainability education in the school system and in religious institusjons.

The final articles can be edited after the conference and completed before may 15, 2020. The size of the final articles is 6000 words. The layout of the final articles follows the apa manual.

Paper submission deadline January 1, 2020.
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