Advanced Nanomaterials for Clean Energy and Health Applications (ANCEHA)
The research group on Advanced Nanomaterials for Clean Energy and Health Applications (ANCEHA) was launched in 2013. We are conducting research on advanced nanomaterials for photovoltaic and water splitting applications, energy storage, tissue engineering applications and on energy policy and management.
The research group has focused its research on three fronts:
- Clean energy applications, where research is being conducted on nano materials for new generation solar cells and for water splitting for hydrogen production. Under this, theoretically based simulation studies on advanced nanomaterials are carried out in order to identify novel materials for these purposes. In parallel, comprehensive experimental studies on flexible, cheap and efficient solar technologies such as Dye Sensitized solar Cells, Quantum Dot Solar Cells, Organic Solar Cells and Perovskite Solar Cells are carried out with international partners.
- Health applications where the focus in on tissue engineering and bone regeneration. The research group is mainly working on designing and simulation studies of efficient and optimum scaffolds for stem cells. Synthesis of scaffolds are then done using novel materials. This research is carried out in close collaboration with the renowned ‘Tissue Engineering’ research group at Faculty of Dentistry at University of Bergen.
- Energy policy and management. ANCEHA has research collaborative projects including countries like India and Sri Lanka who have ambitions to become clean energy economics in the near future. The nature of energy and environmental challenges and the energy-related societal and economic problems, countries like Sri Lanka face, require analysis with an interdisciplinary approach.
ANCEHA has research collaborative projects including countries like India and Sri Lanka who have ambitions to become clean energy economics in the near future. The nature of energy and environmental challenges and the energy-related societal and economic problems, countries like Sri Lanka face, require analysis with an interdisciplinary approach.
ANCEHA research group has collaboration with a number of industrial partners both in Norway, Sri Lanka and India under INCP, UTFORSK and NORPART programs funded by The Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education (Diku) and the Norwegian Foreign Ministry. We have research partnerships with a variety of institutions in Norway, UK, India, South Korea and Sri Lanka.
The research group carries out activities both in Norway and Sri Lanka at schools in order to inspire and encourage school children to work with clean energy technologies.
More information: ANCEHAs website.