CERN-related Physics and Computer Science
The research group for CERN-related physics and computer science works in high energy nuclear and particle physics in the context of LHC experiments at CERN, and projects using detector technologies from CERN experiments in other applications.
The focus of the group's members is:
- Data analysis in the ATLAS experiment.
- Development of grid computing tools for the ALICE experiment.
- Theoretical and phenomenological studies of extended Higgs models.
- Detectors and readout for ALICE ITS (Inner Tracking System) and proton computer tomography (pCT).
Participation in experiments at CERN ensures that the researchers in the group has a large international network. We also have a close collaboration with the high energy physics group at University of Bergen, University of Oslo and University of South-Eastern Norway.
Large parts of the research done by members of the group is closely related to the PhD programme on Computer Science and the master’s programme on software development at the Department of Computing, Mathematics and Physics. Members of the group are supervising PhD students and master students. 3 students have received their PhD in work with members of the group.