Here is a list of the research projects in the Data Science and Artifical Intelligence Group.
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Ongoing Research Projects
- Development of an innovative integrated predictive care system EA-Predictive.
- FutuRaPS: Future Raspberry Production System for Western Norway
- Transnational Partnership for Excellent Research and Education in Disruptive Technologies for a Resilient Future
- Innovation in image-based personalized medicine - the next generation of the radiography profession
- Rekkeviddeverifisering i protonterapi
- Neutron and gamma-ray imaging for real-time range verification and image guidance in particle therapy
- Sensorteknologi, synshemmede og stress (SenSe)
Concluded Research Projects
- RESPOND3 - Responsible early digital drug discovery (2019 - 2023)
- Pilotprosjekt: Sensorteknologi, synshemmede og stress (2021 - 2023)
- Workflow-integrated machine learning: An innovative solution for precision imaging in radiology ( 2020 - 2023)
- Computational medical imaging and machine learning – methods, infrastructure and applications (2018 - 2021)
- GridEyeS - Smart Grid Eye, from Space to Sky, supported by European Space Agency (2019-2020).
- Computational medical imaging and machine learning–methods, infrastructure and applications, MMIV, supported by Financed by Trond Mohn Foundation, (2018-2022).
- Prototyping of a Proton Computed Tomography System for Treatment Planning and Real-Time Monitoring of Dose Deposition in Particle Therapy (2016 - 2020)
- The Information Mining with a Span of Fuzzy and Causality Approaches, supported by UH-nett Vest, (2019).
- Computational medicine: Numerical models for medical images and signals (2014 - 2018)
- Muliparametrisk evaluering av muskelfunksjon, fysisk prestasjon og biomarkører (2016 - 2019)
- NFR BIOTEK2021 (Digital Life Norway). Towards better computational approaches and responsible innovation strategies in early drug discovery-application to antibiotics and COPD, supported by NFR (2019-2022).
- NHEP (project number 255182) funding Norwegian participation in the ATLAS experiment at CERN, supported by NFR.
- Tidlig oppdagelse av dårlig etterlevelse og medisinsk forverring hos pasienter med diabetes, (2018-2019).
- Prototyping of a Proton Computed Tomography System for Treatment Planning and Real-time Monitoring of Dose Deposition in Particle Therapy, supported by Trond Mohn Foundation, (2016 - 2020).
- Advanced applications of 14 MeV neutrons (NeA), supported by the Croatian Science Foundation, (2018 – 2022)
- Utvikling og evaluering av bildebaserte biomarkørar (2015 - 2018)