Families, generations and belonging

KINDknow research area 8

Research area (RA) 8 relates the three concepts constituting its title and explores these theoretically and in connection to the institutional practice of ECEC settings. The PhD projects focus on: a) intergenerational relationships within and outside the ECEC settings, as well as b) sense of belonging developed and negotiated by migrant and refugee children. The senior researchers focus on unpacking experiences of migrant, refugee and Indigenous children and their families connected to professional practice, children’s activity and policies. This includes both local, regional and national levels. Theoretically, the research is framed by cultural-historical approaches. 

The RA cooperates actively with two agencies in Bergen municipality: Agency for Kindergartens (Etat for barnehage) and Agency for Social Inclusion (Etat for inkludering). A similar cooperation is planned in the county of Troms and Finnmark. This collaboration results in regularly submitted external founding applications for cooperation between different actors or innovation in the public sector, aiming at facilitating equal participation of migrant children and parents in the ECEC sector.  

bilde av Alicja Renata Sadownik

Alicja Renata Sadownik

Associate Professor



Sadownik, AR (2020). Superdiversity as a trajectory of diversity in Norwegian early childhood education and care: From a collection of differences to participation and becoming. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, Published on-line 28th October, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177%2F1463949120966088 

Sadownik, AR (2020). Insights from Research: ‘Translating’ the kindergarten to international parents. In: Liz Hryniewicz & Paulette Luff (Eds.) Partnerships with Parents in Early Childhood Settings. Insights from Five European Countries. Routledge.

Boldermo, S. (2020). Fleeting moments: young children’s negotiations of belonging and togetherness. International Journal of Early Years. https://doi.org/10.1080/09669760.2020.1765089  

Boldermo, S. (2019). Practicing belonging in Kindergarten: Children’s use of Places and Artefacts. Nordic Families, Children and Early Childhood Education. Springer: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-16866-7_4    

Boldermo, S. (2019). What about the migrant children? The state-of-the-art in research claiming social sustainabilitySustainability, https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/11/2/459    

Pesch, A. (2018). Syn på flerspråklighet som diskursive vilkår for barnehagens samarbeid med foreldre til flerspråklige barn. NOA - Norsk som andrespråk 34 (1/2), 158 - 188. ISSN 0801-3284 

Sadownik (2018) Belonging and participation at stake. Polish migrant children about (mis)recognition of their needs in Norwegian ECECs. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, Vol 26(6), 956-971.Doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/1350293X.2018.1533711 

Sadownik (in press). Superdiversity as a trajectory of diversity in Norwegian early childhood education and care: From a collection of differences, to participation and becomingContemporary Issues in Early Childhood / Special issue: Superdiversity and the Nordic Model in ECEC 

Tait, K.; Sweller, N.; Carter, M.; Fung, F.; Hu, Aihua; Djajic, J. A Preliminary Study of the Internal Consistency and Validity of the Traditional Chinese Adaptation of the Impact on Family Scale. International Journal of Special Education 2018 (0827-3383) Vol. 33 (1), s. 77-93. Cristin publikasjons-ID: 1578536 Institusjoner: MACQ, ECNUS, TUoHK, HVL

Sadownik, Alicja R. Når barn forteller om å være ny i den norske barnehagen. Tilhørighet og deltagelse står på spill når migrantbarn begynner i den norske barnehagen. . Barnehagefolk 2018 (1500-6905) Vol. (4), s. 38-43. Cristin publikasjons-ID: 1651886 Institusjon: HVL


ERNAPE - European Research Network on Parents in Education

EECERA – European Early Childhood Education Research Association, membership in scientific committee

EECERA – European Early Childhood Education Research Association, membership in special interest groups (SIG): Children from refugee and migrant backgrounds and Multilingual Childhoods

Editorial board of: Journal of Childhood, Education & Society