Ionic Liquid and Advanced Technology
The main objective of Group of Ionic Liquid and Advanced Technology (ILA) is to utilize ionic liquids for new advanced technology development.
ILA will be Norway's first research group on ionic liquids research. Ionic liquids are an important research topic in the whole world now. However, researchers in Norway do not perform so much work on ionic ionic liquids research.
With the cooperation with national and international participants, ILA can become the first and best research group in ionic liquids in Norway. In 5 to 10 years, the ILA plans to become one of the best research groups on ionic fluids worldwide.
There will be 20 main scientific members in the research group. They are employees from HVL, UiB, UiT, SINTEF, IFE, NTNU, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China University of Petroleum, National Institute of Technology (India), and University of Texas at El Paso (USA). In addition, PhD students, and undergraduate level students will be involved in the group.
Research topics in ILA will be about:
- Utilization of ionic liquids in novel clean process technology development
- Utilization of ionic liquids for new batteries technology development
- Utilization of ionic liquids for new medical science technology development
- Utilization of ionic liquids in petroleum science
- Utilization of ionic liquids for novel functional materials synthesis
Battery research is the main research topic in ILA. Head the of Research Group is associate professor Yansong Zhao. Zhao has a good background in battery technology and ionic liquids. He has developed a new battery technology. He used ionic liquids as an electrolyte in this new battery technology. Ionic liquids have low vapor pressure, high thermal and chemical stability, broad electrochemical windows, and high ionic conductivity properties. Therefore, ionic liquid is good electrolyte for energy units.
In the ILA, we are also planning to use new battery technology that we have developed for smart road technology development. Smart road can be built by solar panel, wind turbine, batteries we have developed, and wireless charging system. Road surface is built by solar panel. Wind turbines can be installed on both sides of the road. Electric power from the solar panel and the wind turbine can be transferred to batteries along the smart road. Then, the electric car on a smart road can be recharged by the wireless charging station under the smart road, powered by batteries, solar panels and wind turbines. Therefore, in theory, electric car can be driven on the smart road as long as people need it.
There are 4 primary benefits of this smart road technology:
1. Electric power is from solar and wind energy
2. Vehicles driving on smart roads can be loaded by the wireless charging system and batteries we developed
3. Power from solar and wind energy can melt snow and ice on the road (this is very important for roads in the cold area, such as the road in Norway)
4. Electric power in batteries on the road can also benefit driverless car technology development and other future smart technology developments on this smart road. NG batteries are much better than Li-ion batteries to build the future
Using the new IL electrolyte-based battery technology that we have developed, we can develop a brand new wireless charging smart way. In addition, the ILA can also benefit from IL's relevant new technology development within health and medicine, environmentally friendly agriculture, as well as production and processing of oil and gas.
Research Projects
- UTFORSK-project (2020-2021): Sino-Norwegian collaborative research programme on novel battery fabrication using ionic liquids and nanotechnology
- Ionic Liquids for new medicine development (2013 - 2020)
- FoU-prosjekt: Batteries and solar cells fabrication using ionic liquids and nanotechnology
Head of Research Group
Research Group Members
International Partners
- Liyuan Li - PhD Candidate from Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences (exchange student january - july 2020)
- Carmen Bolufer - Bachelor student from Artis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerp, Belgia (exhange student january - june 2020)
- Lisa Hendrickx - Bachelor student fra Artis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerp, Belgia (exhange student february - may 2020)
- Baptiste Blusset - Master student from INSA Lyon, Frankrike (exchange student april - august 2020)
- Qingshang Zhu: Ionic liquids for anti-cancer drug applications.
- Sine Brynestad Stokke, Ana Eleah Kleppe & Marius Olsen Lien: Ionic liquids for new battery technology development.
- Andreas Valle Hansen, Aurora Elisabeth Opsund, Henriette Gjendine Hjerpaasen: Ionic liquids for new anticancer drug development.
- Marianne Eide, Martin Andreas Wiken, Johanne Charlotte Jakobsen: Examination of oxygen concentration in nitrogen system at Kollsnes processing plant.
- Cheima Ouerfelli, Ingrid Lekve Handeland: Removal of H2S-rich gas using absorption tower T-5103.
- Jon Andreas Mortensen, Michal Mateusz Napolski og Matiowos Tesfamariam Tecle: Stabilization of water levels in sour water tank at the Equinor Mongstad refinery.
- Emilie Herrera Thomsen, Mathias Vatne Nicolaysen: Prosess optimalization of propane cooling circut for oil and gas production and prosessing.
- Anthony Mikael Celse Offerdal, Kim Martin Toledo Sviland: Monitoring Tool Development for Process Optimization of Heat Exchanger in Oil and Gas Process.