Multilingual mathematics: Using digital games to develop children's mathematical languages

KINDknow research area 4

The aim of project is to determine how the affordances of digital games can be used to support multilingual children’s possibilities to discuss mathematical ideas in all of their languages.

To achieve this, parents, kindergarten teachers, teacher education students, and teacher educators are working together to investigate how to develop and integrate playful mathematical digital games into learning opportunities provided at home and in kindergarden. 

Information will be collected through collaborations with parents, teachers, teacher education students, and teacher educators: as input for the design stage; in the trialling of digital games in some kindergardens; from the implemantation of the apps/games across the kindergardens and in the parallel studies being undertaken elsewhere in the world. A multi-modal analysis of the data will be undertaken.

This project includes several sub-projects: 

  1. Sub-project one: Identify pedagogical strategies. 
  2. Sub-project two: Designing and trialing mathematical digital games. 
  3. Sub-project three: Develop support for kindergarten teachers and parents. 


Tamsin Meaney, Team leader

Troels Lange, HVL 

Mona Karabaschi Vee, HVL 

Dorota Lembrér, HVL, PhD student

Silje Christiansen, HVL, PhD student


Tamsin Meaney, forskergruppeleder

Troels Lange, HVL 

Mona Karabaschi Vee, HVL 

Dorota Lembrér, HVL, ph.d.-student

Silje Christiansen, HVL, ph.d.-student 


Fosse, T., Lange, T., & Meaney, T. (2020). Kindergarten teachers’ stories about young children’s problem posing and problem solving. In I. Erfjord, M. Carlsen, & P. S. Hunderland (Eds.). Mathematics Education in the Early Years Results from the POEM4 Conference2018 (pp. 351-368). New York: Springer. 

Lembrér. (2020). Parents’ valuing of mathematics for young children. In M. Carlsen, I. Erfjord, & P. S. Hundeland (Eds.), Mathematics Education in the Early Years: Results from the POEM4 Conference, 2018 (pp. 403420). Cham: Springer International Publishing. 

Severina, E. & Meaney, T. (2020). The semiotic resources children use in their explanations of hypothetical situations. In I. Erfjord, M. Carlsen, & P. S. Hunderland (Eds.). Mathematics Education in the Early Years Results from the POEM4 Conference2018 (pp. 177-198). New York: Springer. 

Lange, T. & Meaney, T. (2019). What the mathematics in the puzzles and handicrafts in 1920s Danish children’s magazines tells about childhoods. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood20(4), 294-308. 

Fosse, T., Lange, T., Lossius, M. H. & Meaney, T. (2018). Mathematics as the Trojan horse in Norwegian early childhood policy? Research in Mathematics Education20(2), 166-182. 

Lange, T. & Meaney, T. (2018). Talking about mathematics in two languages: Can parental views inform the development of digital games for young children? Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education23(4), 203-223.