HVL Robotics - Researchers

The core research group of HVL Robotics consists of researchers, PhD-candidates and a senior research engineer in addition to associated members across three campuses at HVL.

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The group is fast growing with new positions as PhD-candidates, post.docs. and researchers available frequently. Please get in touch if you have relevant competence and is interested in working with us.

Open Positions

PhD Research Fellow in Machine Learning and Data Fusion for Wildlife Detection - WILDETECT

Post.doc.-position in FutuRaPS project in Robotics

Post.doc.-position in FutuRaPS project on Data analysis

PhD Research Fellow in Human Motion Estimation for Upper-Limb Rehabilitation after Stroke

Post.doc.-position in HVL Robotics lab on human-robot cooperation in industry

Current Resarchers

bilde av Erik Kyrkjebø

Erik Kyrkjebø


bilde av Martin Fodstad Stølen

Martin Fodstad Stølen

Associate Professor

bilde av Beatriz Lopez Rodriguez

Beatriz Lopez Rodriguez

PhD Candidate

bilde av Raquel Motzfeldt Tirach

Raquel Motzfeldt Tirach

Senior Engineer

bilde av Gizem Ates Venås

Gizem Ates Venås

Associate Professor

bilde av Daniel Schäle

Daniel Schäle

Assistant Professor

bilde av Laurenz Elstner

Laurenz Elstner

PhD Candidate

bilde av Johannes Møgster

Johannes Møgster

Assistant Professor