People's hands exchange ideas and holding speech bubble with vote and comment. Team cooperation communicate collaborate. Diversity multicultural group with talk message cartoon vector illustration

Sign language, interpreting, linguistics and communication (TOLK)

Our research group aims to contribute to current knowledge about sign languages, interpreting, sign language linguistics and interpreter education.

We are interested in the study of sign languages in different fields: interpreting, linguistics, language acquisition and education. We investigate and describe the properties of sign languages in natural conversations and in interpreting settings. We investigate both visual and tactile sign languages, with a focus on Norwegian Sign Language.  We also look at how interpreters and interpreter educators can meet the needs of the community to create knowledge and competency. We strive to support the interpreting profession and interpreter education in dialogue with practitioners.  

In 2021, the four-year research project “Signed Language Depiction as an Engine for Promoting Inclusion, Communication, and Translation” (DEPICT) got funded by the Research Council of Norway. The main goal of the project is to investigate how depiction is used in different language environments where Norwegian Sign Language is used. 

Since 2022, our research group has been organizing a series of talks about research on sign languages, interpreting and sign language linguistics. They are called “Sign Language, Interpreting, Linguistics and Communication Seminars”, in short, ‘“Silc Seminars”. You can find more information at this page.



Research Head

bilde av Giorgia Zorzi

Giorgia Zorzi

Associate Professor


bilde av Gro Hege Saltnes Urdal

Gro Hege Saltnes Urdal

Associate Professor

bilde av Inger Birgitte Torbjørnsen

Inger Birgitte Torbjørnsen

Associate Professor

bilde av Natasha Bernadette Parkins-Maliko

Natasha Bernadette Parkins-Maliko

Postdoctoral Fellow

bilde av Julie Anna Price

Julie Anna Price

PhD Candidate

bilde av Elisabet Trengereid-Olsen

Elisabet Trengereid-Olsen

Assistant Professor

bilde av Felicia Bisnath

Felicia Bisnath

Postdoctoral Fellow

bilde av Ole Marius Øfsthus

Ole Marius Øfsthus

Project Team Member

bilde av Maren Martinussen Sørhaug

Maren Martinussen Sørhaug

University College Teacher

bilde av Camilla Bøe

Camilla Bøe

Assistant Professor

bilde av Kjersti Skagen

Kjersti Skagen

University College Teacher

External Members

Former members

bilde av Ingeborg Skaten

Ingeborg Skaten

Associate Professor






Zorzi, G., Urdal, G.H.S., Raanes, E. (2025). Understanding depiction in tactile Norwegian sign language interpreting. Lingua 316, 103887. 


Urdal, G. H. S. (2024). Making a difference: how does an interpreting course contribute to public service interpreters’ professional identity? FITISPos International Journal, 11(2), 96-111.

Urdal, G. H. S., Skaten, I., & Tiselius, E. (2024). Educators of deaf and hearing interpreting students as agents of change: challenging the curriculum. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 1-16.


Price, A. & Spruijt, D. (2023). FEAST 2023: Tagungsbericht. In DAS ZEICHEN 37:121 – S. 188-193.

Price, A. (2023). Lives in Language: Roch-Ambroise Auguste Bebian (1789-1839). In Babel: The Language Magazine, No 45 – Winter 2023.

Zorzi, G., Aristodemo, V., Giustolisi, B., Hauser, C., Donati, C., and Cecchetto, C. (2023). Assessing Lexical and Syntactic Comprehension in Deaf Signing Adults. The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education.

Torbjørnsen, I. B., & Urdal, G. H. S. (2023). Trist? Trøytt? Tørst? Korleis kan bruk av teikn hjelpa dei yngste i barnehagen til å kommunisera behov og kjensler? In I. B. Torbjørnsen, R. Neteland, & E. Bugge (Eds.), Tegn-til-tale i barnehage og skole (pp. 129-140). Universitetsforlaget.

Urdal, G. H. S., & Sudmann, T. T. (2023). "...hvis jeg kunne så hadde vi kunnet..." Fellesskap og kommunikasjon på egne vilkår. In I. B. Torbjørnsen, R. Neteland, & E. Bugge (Eds.), Tegn-til-tale i barnehage og skole (pp. 107-118). Universitetsforlaget.

Urdal, G. H. S. (2023). Conducting research on and with your own students. Possibilities and challenges of studying interpreting students’ professional development. Translation and Interpreting Studies. DOI:   


Aristodemo, V., Giustolisi, B., Zorzi, G., Gras, D., Hauser, C., Sala, R., Sánchez Amat, J., Donati, C., and Cecchetto, C. (2022). On the nature of role shift: insights from a comprehension study in different populations of LIS, LSC and LSF signers. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory. DOI:  

Zorzi, G., Giustolisi, B., Aristodemo, V., Cecchetto, C., Hauser, C., Quer, J., Sánchez Amat, J., and Donati, C. (2022). On the reliability of the notion of native signer and its risks. Frontiers in Psychology 13:716554. DOI: https://doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.716554


Blunier, D., and Zorzi, G. (2021). Catalan Sign Language ellipsis, role shift, and the QUD. FEAST. Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign language Theory 4: 25-37. DOI:

Hauser, Charlotte, Giorgia Zorzi, Valentina Aristodemo, Beatrice Giustolisi, Doriane Gras, Rita Sala, Jordina Sánchez Amat, Carlo Cecchetto and Caterina Donati. (2021). Asymmetries in relative clause comprehension in three European sign languages. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 6(1): 72. 1–36. DOI:

Skaten, I. & Urdal, G. H. S. (2021). Døve tolker - en ressurs som NAV vil ta i bruk?

Sudmann, T. T., Urdal, G. H. S., & Breivik, J. K. (2021). Community building in deprived communicative environments: supporting participation and belonging for children with special communicative needs. Nordic Social Work Research, 12(2), 270-283.  

Urdal, G. H. S. & Skaten, I. (2021). Fra bruker til kollega – døve som mottakere og ytere av tolketjenester. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning. 24.(3).

Zorzi, Giorgia (2021). Coordinació conjuntiva, disjuntiva i adversativa en llengua de signes catalana (LSC). Revista d’Estudis Catalans / Zeitschrift für Katalanistik. Dossier: “Darrers avenços en la recerca sobre la llengua de signes catalana (LSC) / Recent advances in research on Catalan Sign Language (LSC)”. 


Anible, B. (2020). Iconicity in American Sign Language-English Translation Recognition. Language and Cognition. 

Occhino, C. Anible, B., Morford, J. P. (2020). The role of iconicity, construal, and proficiency in the online processing of handshape. Language and Cognition.  

Skaten, I., Torbjørnsen, I. B. & Urdal, G. H. S. (2020). Kven kan snakke med meg?.

Skaten, I., Urdal, G.H.S. & Tiselius, E. (2020). Exploring deaf sign language interpreting students’ experiences from joint sign language interpreting programs for deaf and hearing students in Finland. Translation and Interpreting Studies.

Torbjørnsen, I. B. (2020). Teikn-til-tale skapar tryggleik og inkludering i barnehagen. Språkprat. 

Urdal, G. H. S., Skaten, I. & Torbjørnsen, I. B. (2020). Å høre til?. I B. I. Borthne, I. Kuginyte-Arlauskiene & G. Söderlund (red) Tilpasset opplæring og spesialpedagogikk i teori og praksis. Fagbokforlaget. ISBN 978-82-450-3453-0. s. 191-211


Olsen, Elisabet Trengereid (2019). Cooperation as a coping mechanism when interpreting between deaf refugees and hearing professionals.

Olsen, Elisabet Trengereid (2019). Døve flyktninger vil rammes urimelig hardt av nye språkkrav. Kronikk.

Torbjørnsen, I. B. (2019). Seeing voices - the effects of using signs in Kindergartens. Multilingual Childhoods: Education, policy and practice Search.

Tiselius, Elisabet & Michaela Albl-Mikasa2019. ”Cognitive processes in dialogue interpreting: Introduction”. Translation, Cognition, Behaviour 2(2). 233–239. DOI: 10.1075/tcb.00027.tis 

Tiselius, Elisabet & Birgitta Englund Dimitrova. 2019. ”Asymmetrical language proficiency in dialogue interpreters: Methodological issues” Translation, Cognition, Behaviour 2(2). 305–322. DOI 10.1075/tcb.00031.tis 

Urdal, G.H.S. (2019). Interpreter students’ development of professional characteristics as interpreters for deafblind individuals: Evidence-based practice and Bildung processes.

Urdal, G.H.S. (2019). Discoursing into Interpreting - Sign Language Interpreting Students and their Construction of Professional Identity as Interpreters for Deafblind Individuals. Journal of Interpretation.

Hodge, G., Ferrara, L. N., & Anible, B. D. (2019). The semiotic diversity of doing reference in a deaf signed language. Journal of Pragmatics, 143, 33–53.

Skaten, Ingeborg (2019) Kritisk skråblikk på trend innen tolkediskursen: Å gi tilbake – eller å gå tilbake? Kronikk i Døves tidsskrift nr. 5/2019.


Olsen, Elisabet Trengereid (2018). Deaf and refugee - a different situation.

Olsen, Elisabet Trengereid; Skaten Ingeborg og Gro Hege Saltnes Urdal (2018). Grenseløs tolking - tolking mellom fremmedspråklige døve og norske talespråklige.

Tiselius, Elisabet. 2018. Modeller för processer i tolkning. [Interpreting process models] I: Hilde Haualand, Anna-Lena Nilsson, Eli Raanes (eds.) Tolking – språkarbeid og profesjonsutøvelse [Interpreting – linguistic work and professional practice]. Oslo: Gyldendal. 38–60. 

Tiselius, Elisabet. 2018. “The (un-)ethical interpreting researcher: The researcher’s voice and discretionary power in interpreting research”. In: Cecilia AlvstadAnnjo K. Greenall and Kristiina Taivalkoski-Shilov (eds.) Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice, special issue, Voice, Translation and Ethics 27: 5, 747–760. 10.1080/0907676X.2018.1544263 

Tiselius, Elisabet. 2018. “Exploring cognitive aspects of competence in signed language interpreting: First impressions”. In: Petra Klimant, Michael Tieber and Hanna Risku (eds.) Hermes: Journal of Language and Communication in Business, special issue, Expertise and Behaviour: Aspects of Cognitive Translation Studies. 57. 49–61.  

Tiselius, Elisabet. 2018. “Deliberate practice: The unicorn of interpreting studies”. In: Barbara Ahrens, Silvia Hansen-Schirra, Silvia Hansen-Schirra, Silvia Hansen-Schirra and Ursula Wienen (eds.) Translation – Didaktik – Kompetenz. Berlin: Frank-Timme, 131–144.  

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