The PhD forums
The PhD forums are interdisciplinary seminars (6 per semester) held digitally with participants from all campuses. There are two types of PhD forums; text seminar forum and PhD student forum, 3 of each each semester. The organization of the seminars is student-led and facilitated by the PhD representatives.
All PhD candidates at Faculty of Education, Arts and Sports (FLKI) are welcome, regardless of their subjects of expertise. Participation is expected and is considered a part of the program training related to receiving and giving text response. This provides the PhD candidates with important informal research skills relevant for later employment. You can present both Norwegian/Scandinavian and English texts on the forums, and together we will find solutions for text presentation, feedback and discussion that work for all language backgrounds and -skills.
Text seminar forum
In the text seminar forums the PhD candidates can present and get feedback on a variety of texts from other PhD students and a senior faculty member, professor Catharina Christoffersen who also leads the text seminar forum. Candidates who are having their texts discussed are welcome to invite their supervisor to the discussion.
1-3 texts are presented in each forum.The forum follows the Piteå model for text response, which aims to establish a multi-voiced, collaborative and inclusive culture within the seminar, as well as empowering the authors to take control of the feedback process. It is accepted and natural that PhD candidates can participate peripherally at first, and as competence grows they will find their voice and claim space in the PhD student community.
In order to make the text seminars fruitful for both writers and commenters, there are guidelines for delivering and commenting texts and a deadline for delivering comments for others’ texts - 3 comments according to the colour-coding in the text. The PhD forums have an area in Teams called "SDDP-stipendiater", and here you can find both the texts discussed in the forum and more information about the Piteå model.
PhD student forum
The PhD student forum are shorter meetings where the PhD candidates discuss practical matters related to PhD student life and the PhD program and for receiving information from the PhD program. This part is facilitated by the PhD representatives, and cases to discuss can be reported to the representatives.
PhD student representatives
The representatives’ responsibilities are:
• To serve as a mouthpiece for PhD students in the programme
• To represent the PhD candidates in communication with the PhD program administration, including two to three meetings a year
• Help improve conditions or finding answers to academic, administrative or social questions
• Help facilitate communication with for instance worker’s unions
• Organise occasional social gatherings
Please reach out to the PhD representatives with any questions or comments, or if you need access to the “SDDP-stipendiater” team. Further information about the forums will be provided in Teams and by e-mail.
The PhD student representatives for 2024 are Espen Søreide Dyngeland and Mari Skjerdal Lysne.
The PhD student representatives are elected for one year, with half a year overlapping. New representatives will be elected on the last PhD forum each semester. Each representative is granted 25 hours of paid work per calendar year for their efforts.
Student representatives for the PhD programme committee are elected for a two year period in separate process.