IMPECT Project period: 08.2021 to 06.2025
Nordanger, Marte, Cecilie Hamnes Carlsen & Edit Bugge. (2024). Research on Simultaneous Second Language and Literacy Acquisition in Adults: A Scoping Review of the LESLLA Symposium Proceedings. LESLLA Symposium Proceedings, 19(1).
Nordanger, Marte & Birgitta Ljung Egeland (2024). Between a rock and a hard place: Introduction program teachers’ narrated experiences of residency and citizenship language requirements in Scandinavia, Linguistics and Education, 83 (2024) 101332
Carlsen, Cecilie H. (2024). Language testing for residence and citizenship in Europe – justifications, effects & debates. In Kunnan, Antony (Ed.) The Concise Companion to Language Assessment. Wiley.
Anna Mouti and Lorenzo Rocca (2023). Linguistic Integration of Adult Migrants in Greece and Italy: Language Requirements and Learning Opportunities in L2 Greek and L2 Italian. Social Sciences 12: 668.
Cecilie Hamnes Carlsen, Bart Deygers, Lorenzo Rocca, L. & van Oers, R. (2023). The consequences of migration tests on low-literate adult migrants - a survey of teacher opinions in 20 European countries. AERA Online Paper Repository. AERA Online Paper Repository
Cecilie Hamnes Carlsen, Lorenzo Rocca & Joe Sheils (2023). Education for Integration: The Case of Adult Migrants. In Byram, M, Fleming, M. and Sheils, J. (Eds.). QUALITY AND EQUITY IN EDUCATION A Practical Guide to the Council of Europe Vision of Education for Plurilingual, Intercultural and Democratic Citizenship. Springer.
Sara Karim (2023). Identity and Belonging in the Transnational World. Centre Francais de Reserche sur l’Irak (CFRI)
Live Grinden (2023). På hvilken måte er motivasjonsteorien L2MSS relevant for LESLLA-innlærere? In Bugge & Carlsen (eds). Norsk som andrespråk - Voksne innvandrere som utvikler skriftkyndighet på et andrespråk. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Cecilie Hamnes Carlsen & Hasti Hamidi (2023). Språklig rasialisering – språk og språkkravs rolle i strukturell rasisme. In Bugge & Carlsen (eds). Norsk som andrespråk - Voksne innvandrere som utvikler skriftkyndighet på et andrespråk. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Johanne Barth Telle & Edit Bugge (2023). Ulike kapitalformer hos deltakere i norskopplæring og arbeidsliv. In Bugge & Carlsen (eds). Norsk som andrespråk - Voksne innvandrere som utvikler skriftkyndighet på et andrespråk. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Marte Nordanger, Cecilie Hamnes Carlsen & Edit Bugge (2023). Forskning på samtidig andrespråks- og litterasitetstilegnelse hos voksne. En sonderende oversikt over LESLLA-nettverkets konferansepublikasjoner. In Bugge & Carlsen (eds). Norsk som andrespråk - Voksne innvandrere som utvikler skriftkyndighet på et andrespråk. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Edit Bugge & Cecilie Hamnes Carlsen, red. (2023). Norsk som andrespråk - Voksne innvandrere som utvikler skriftkyndighet på et andrespråk. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Sara Karim (2022). Transnasjonal identitet og transspråkinghos unge tilbakeflyttere. NOA (2022).
Karen Geertsema, Kees Groenendijk, Carolus Grütters, Tesseltje de Lange, Paul Minderhoud, Ricky van Oers, Ralph Severijns, Tineke Strik, Ashley Terlouw & Karin Zwaan. (2022). Migratie in regeerakkoord Rutte 4 ontrafeld. Andere toon, nog geen nieuwe muziek. Asiel & Migrantenrecht2022(2): 63–69.
Cecilie Hamnes Carlsen (2022). Språkprøver som portvoktere for mennesker på flukt. FeTT Feministisk tidsskrift (temanummer om flukt), 2022(3): 22-27
Cecilie Hamnes Carlsen and Lorenzo Rocca (2022). Language test activism. Language Policy (2022).
Ricky van Oers (2021) Deserving citizenship in Germany and the Netherlands. Citizenship tests in liberal democracies, Ethnicities 21 (2), 271-287.
Edit Bugge (2021). Talemål, identitet og tilhørighet. Sosiolingvistiske perspektiv på språkanalyse for beskyttelse og språkprøver for opphold og statsborgerskap. Målbryting 12: 25-42
Kees Groenendijk, Betty de Hart & Ricky van Oers (2021). Lessen van 25 jaar inburgering in Nederland. Nederlands Juristenblad. AFL. 33
Cecilie Hamnes Carlsen & Lorenzo Rocca (2021). Language Test Misuse, Language Assessment Quarterly
Ricky van Oers (2021). Kroniek inburgering. Asiel & Migrantenrecht 2021(2): 96-106
Cecilie Hamnes Carlsen & Edit Bugge (2021). Språkkrav for statsborgerskap og hvordan de begrunnes. In M. Monsen & V. Pájaro (eds.): Andrespråkslæring hos voksne. Vitenskapelige innsikter og didaktiske refleksjoner. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Conference presentations
Vanbuel, Marieke & Edit Bugge (2024). Language and knowledge of society tests for citizenship: implications for vulnerable migrant groups. LTRC, Innsbrück, July 3rd-5th 2024
Carlsen, Cecilie & Rocca, Lorenzo (2024) Language testing for residence and citizenship in Europe – a cross-national study. LTRC Innsbruck July 3rd-5th 2024.
Nordanger, Marte og Birgitta Ljung Egeland (2024). Vendepunkt og motstand: Profesjonelle narrativer om språkkrav for statsborgerskap og opphold blant lærere i Skandinavia. NordAnd, Södertörn, 12.-14. June 2024
Carlsen, Cecilie H. & Rocca, Lorenzo (2024) Language testers’ perceived responsibility for social justice – a survey based exploration. EALTA conference, Belfast, June 4th – 6th 2024.
Carlsen, Cecilie H., Rocca, Lorenzo, Shohamy, E., & Kurvers, J. (2024) “They are right to worry” – the emotional impact of langauge requirements for permanent residence and citizenship on LESLLA learners. EALTA conference, Belfast, June 4th – 6th 2024.
Bugge, Edit (2024). Language and knowledge of society tests as barriers for low literate migrants. Invited presentation at HIDDEN COST ACTION CA21120, Brüssel, 4. June 2024
Khan, Kamran (2024) Citizenship tests – standards and inequalities. Invited presentation at HIDDEN COST ACTION CA21120, Brüssel, 4. June 2024
Van Oers, Ricky (2024) Language and knowledge of society requirements in the migration context: A cross-national study of language policy effects on low-literate adult migrants. Invited presentation at HIDDEN COST ACTION CA21120, Brüssel, 4. June 2024
Carlsen, Cecilie H. (2024) Consequences of migration tests on LESLLA learners. Digital event. Nordic network for adult learning – ALFA-rådet, May 21st 2024.
Nordanger, Marte & Edit Bugge (2024). Language learning in liminal spaces: Low literate learners’ narratives of citizenship and migration requirements. Innlegg med Marte Nordanger, AAAL, Houston TX, 16.–19. March 2024
Carlsen, Cecilie H. & Lorenzo Rocca (2023). Language Policy Index for Migrants (LAPIM) - digital event. Joint EALTA and ALTE event on Migration. October 18th 2023.
Carlsen, Cecilie H. (2023). IMPECT. Invited lecture. Nordisk ALTE-møte, Stockholm university, 21. September 2023.
Carlsen, Cecilie H. (2023). MS18 – bakgrunn, utvikling, validering. Invited lecture. Nordisk ALTE-møte, Stockholms universitet, Stockholm university, 21. September 2023.
Carlsen, Cecilie H. (2023). Språkkrav for integrering – bruk og misbruk av språkprøver. Invited lecture. Högre seminariet i nordiska språk, Stockholms universitet, 20. September 2023.
Grinden, Live (2023). Performing research with LESLLA learners. Presentation given at the LESLLA symposium, Barcelona, September 7th to 8th, 2023.
Hellesen, Terje (2023). A biopolitics of the other: Representations of LESLLA learners in policy. Presentation given at the LESLLA symposium, Barcelona, September 7th to 8th, 2023.
Grinden, Live (2023). Language requirement for citizenship to promote language learning. Presentation given at the LESLLA symposium, Barcelona, September 7th to 8th, 2023.
Carlsen, Cecilie H. & Rocca, Lorenzo (2023). Language requirements and learning opportunities for adult LESLLA migrants – the development of a language policy index. Presentation given at the LESLLA symposium, Barcelona, September 7th to 8th, 2023.
Bugge, Edit & Carlsen, Cecilie H. (2023). Trends and gaps in LESLLA research. A scoping review of the LESLLA network’s conference publications in light of the DFG framework. Presentation given at the LESLLA symposium, Barcelona, September 7th to 8th, 2023.
Bugge, Edit, Sara Wallace Goodman, & Marte Nordanger, (2023). Do Introduction Programs Encourage Integration? Low-literate Refugee Experiences in Norway. The 29th International Conference for Europeanists (CES), University of Iceland, Reykjavik, (27.-29. June 2023)
Carlsen, Cecilie. H. (2023). From multilingual KoS assessment to implicit language testing. EALTA (European Association of Language Testing and Assessment) 19th conference, Helsinki 13-18 June, 2023. (Part of symposium: Multilingualism, policy, assessment practice – policy and implementation).
Karim, Sara (2023). Kurdiske migranter med lav skriftkyndighet i Norge og Danmark: Tilhørighet og investering i språklæring. Den tiende nasjonale forskningskonferansen i norsk som andrespråk (NOA 10), Høgskulen i Volda (24.-25.mai 2023)
Nordanger, Marte. (2023). «Acts of citizenship»: Lærere i voksenopplæringen i Norge og Danmarks narrativer om motstand og profesjonalitet, Den tiende nasjonale forskningskonferansen i norsk som andrespråk (NOA 10), Høgskulen i Volda (24.-25.mai 2023)
Nordanger, Marte & Edit Bugge. (2023). “Jeg kan ikke si til andre at jeg bodde her i Norge i seks år.” Narrativer om liminalitet og språklæring blant innlærere med lite skolegang. Den tiende nasjonale forskningskonferansen i norsk som andrespråk (NOA 10), Høgskulen i Volda (24.-25.mai 2023).
Carlsen, C. H. (2023). Taking action to prevent test misuse. ALTE 8th International Conference, April 26-28 2023, Madrid (Part of LAMI Forum: Language testers’ advocacy within the migration context).
Khan, Kamran (2023). Citizenship test exemptions around Spanish and Catalan. ALTE 8th International Conference, April 26-28 2023, Madrid (Part of Social Justice Forum).
Bugge, Edit, Marte Nordanger & Sara Karim. (2023). Migration tests and low literate learners. Preliminary outcomes from the IMPECT project. The 8th international ALTE conference, Madrid (26.-28. april 2023)
Carlsen, C. H. (2023). Social Justice – barriers & opportunities. ALTE 8th International Conference, April 26-28 2023, Madrid (Part of Social Justice Forum).
Carlsen, C. H., Deygers, B., Rocca, L. & van Oers, R. (2023). The consequences of migration tests on low-literate adult migrants - a survey of teacher opinions in 20 European countries. AERA (American Educational Research Association) 2023 Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, April 13-16, 2023 (digital presentation).
Bugge, Edit . Carlsen, C. H. & Nordanger, M. (2023). Presentation of the IMPECT project. HK-dir, department for the development of the test of Norwegian for adult migrants, Bergen.
Haugen, Kaja & Carlsen, Cecilie. H. (2023). Lesing og metaspråklig bevissthet. Voksne innlærere med lite skolegang. (Reading and metalinguistic awareness. Adult learners with little prior schooling.) Bergen læringssenter, grunnskolen for voksne. 9. mars 2023
Carlsen, Cecilie. H. (2023). Testetikk og kritisk språktesting – nasjonale prøver som eksempel. (Test ethics and critical language testing – the national tests as an example). 20-years Jubilee of the National Tests, University of Bergen, 20.01.23
Carlsen, Cecilie. H. (2023). Language requirements for residence and citizenship and the consequences for low-literate adult migrants. Preliminary results from the IMPECT project. Adult Acquisition of literacy in a second language. International Research Perspectives. International Online Lecture Series, January 10th 2023.
Carlsen, Cecilie. H. (2022). Språkprøver for innvandrere – språksyn, bruk og konsekvenser. MONS (Møte om norsk språk) (Meeting about Norwegian langauge). Tromsø 23rd November 2022.
Carlsen, Cecilie Hamnes (2022). Critical language testing in the larger landscape of critical theory. IMPECT seminar, Copenhagen 24. October 2022
Rocca, Lorenzo (2022). The IMPECT Survey: first outcomes. A case study related to the Italian respondents. IMPECT seminar, Copenhagen 25. October 2022
Nordanger, Marte (2022). Resistance and professionality in teachers’ narratives in Norway and Denmark. IMPECT seminar, Copenhagen 25. October 2022
Grinden, Live (2022). Lessons from conducting interviews with LESLLA learners. IMPECT seminar, Copenhagen 25. October 2022
Karim, Sara (2022). Kurdish low-literate migrants in Scandinavia - excerpts from interviews. IMPECT seminar, Copenhagen 25. October 2022
Hellesen, Terje (2022). Accountability and exclusion – a rhetorical reading of the Norwegian KoS-curriculum. IMPECT seminar, Copenhagen 25. October 2022
Oers, Ricky van (2022). Reintroducing Integration Obligations for Turkish family migrants in the Netherlands: Solving or creating a crisis? IMPECT seminar, Copenhagen 25. October 2022
Deygers, Bart (2022). Migration policies as a global competition for “talent” (and the absence of low-literate migrants). IMPECT seminar, Copenhagen 25. October 2022
Carlsen, Cecilie Hamnes (2022) Presentation of the IMPECT project – some preliminary results. Presentation for the Evaulation and Assessment (EnA) research group. Faculty of Education and International studies. Oslo Met. Evaluation and Assessment (EnA) - OsloMet 24. August 2022
Bugge, Edit & Cecilie Hamnes Carlsen (2022). Low-literate migrants and the consequences of language and KoS requirements for citizenship, EUSA 2022, Miami, 19.–21.5.2022
Grinden, Live (2022). «Kva er eit menneske utan framtida?» En undersøkelse av konsekvenser av språkkrav ved søknad til statsborgerskap for LESLLA-innlærere. Den niende forskningskonferansen om norsk som andrespråk. Høgskolen i Østfold, 3. – 4. February 2022
Carlsen, Cecilie H. & Edit Bugge (2022). Linguistic Integration of Adult Migrants with Poor Education and the Consequences of Migration Tests (IMPECT). Den niende forskningskonferansen om norsk som andrespråk. Høgskolen i Østfold, 3. – 4. February 2022
Grinden, Live. (2022) Higher education solutions for global change. Recruiting low-literate immigrants to a research project - lessons from Norway. SANORD
Nordanger, Marte (2021). Statsborgerskap og migrasjonstester i Europa og Norge. Et postdoktorprosjekt om innlærere og læreres opplevelser med språk- og kunnskapskrav for permanent opphold og statsborgerskap. Presentasjon for forskergruppa Språkdidaktikk i flerspråklige kontekster, Elverum 4. november 2021.
Nordanger, Marte (2021). Migration and citizenship tests in language learning: Teachers’ and learners’ perceptions. SpINN Språkforskning innafor (Internkonferanse, Høgskolen i Innlandet), 15. September 2021
Oers, Ricky van (2021). Deserving citizenship – reasons for introduction and consequences of citizenship tests. Migration tests and low-literate adult learners, HVL, 4. September 2021
Deygers, Bart (2021). The impact of human rights on language testing practices. Migration tests and low-literate adult learners, HVL, 4. September 2021
Rocca, Lorenzo (2021). LASLLIAM – a new tool for teachers of low-literate learners. Migration tests and low-literate adult learners, HVL, 4. September 2021
Grinden, Live (2021). Methodological and Ethical Questions and Suggestions When Recruiting LESLLA to Research, LESLLA 2021 Virtual Symposium. 11-12 August 2021
Oers, Ricky van (2021). Changing perspectives of the Dutch government regarding the integration of Turkish marriage migrants: Dutch integration law and policy and its implications for Turkish family migrant households. Family Migration in Times of crisis, 15 June 2021 (organised by the Marriage and Migration Network and RUNOMI)
Carlsen, Cecilie Hamnes (2021). Participation in the panel Future proofing language tests for migration purposes. Subtheme: Consequences and validation. Hosted by British Council/University of Reading
Carlsen, Cecilie Hamnes. (2021). Social justice and structural racism: The role of language, language tests and language testers. Alte international digital symposium: Safeguarding the Future of Multilingual Assessment in the Covid World. 28-30 April 2021
Invited lectures and seminar presentations
Khan, Kamran (2023). Language and securisitation. The multilingual workplace and multilingual society (co-hosted by IMPECT/HVL and NHH), 4-6 September 2023.
Eva Ersbøll (2022). Unattainable language and knowledge requirements may counteract integration and interfere with human rights principles! IMPECT seminar, Copenhagen 24. October 22
Tommaso Milani (2022). Language requirements and citizenship in Sweden – changing consensus. IMPECT seminar, Copenhagen 24. October 22
Jeanne Kurvers (2022). The impact of (non-)literacy on cognitive inequality. IMPECT seminar, Copenhagen 24. October 22
Elana Shohamy (2022). Critical language testing. IMPECT seminar, Copenhagen 24. October 22
Laura Schildt (2022). Language Testers as Agents of Change: Influencing policy and developing language tests for migration. IMPECT seminar, Copenhagen 24. October 22
Sara Goodman (2022). Citizenship requirements in Europe. IMPECT seminar, Copenhagen 24. October 22
Marieke Vanbuel (2022). The effectiveness of second language courses for LESLLA learners. IMPECT seminar, Copenhagen 25. October 22
Louis Royce Botha (2022). Considerations of agency and ethics in the research process. HVL, 21.6.22.
Laura Anne Schildt (2022). High-stakes language tests, migration and ethical codes. HVL, 28.3.22.
Kari Anne Drangsland (2021). Temporary protection as a durable solution. The “return turn” in European asylum policies?. Møte, 4.11.21.
Ida Hummel Vøllo (2021). Om statsborgerprøven og samfunnskunnskapsprøven. HVL, 11.11.21.
Terje Einarsen (2021). Statsborger- og utlendinglovgivningen. HVL, 5.10.21.
Elana Shohamy (2021). Critical language testing & test ethics. Migration tests and low-literate adult learners, HVL, 4.9.21.
Jeanne Kurvers (2021). Low-literate learners and L2-learning. Migration tests and low-literate adult learners, HVL, 4.9.21.
Tim McNamara (2021). Citizenship testing, justice and validity. Kick off seminar, Solstrand, 3.9.21
Media contribution and dissemination by project members
Edit Bugge (2023). Litterasitet. Presentation for Møre & Romsdal voksenopplæring, 24.-25. October 2023.
Oers, R. van, B. de Hart & C. Groenendijk (2023), Inburgeringswet zadelt nieuwkomer met hoge schuld op. Trouw, 31 januari 2023 (Opinion article)
Kaatje Dalderop, Live Grinden, Terje Hellesen, Hanneloore Loft, Cosima Lemke, Louise Sheppard & Theresa Wall (2023). New Blog: integration policies — Literacy Education and Second Language Learning for Adults LESLLA organization. (01.06.2023).
Sara Karim (2023) Au Kurdistan irakien, les jeunes rêvent de l’Europe et prennent la route de l’exil. Interview in Le Soir
Kaatje Dalderop & Live Grinden (2022). New Blog: Motivation. Dörnyei’s L2 Motivational Self System & LESLLA learners. LESLLA organization. (14.10.2022).
Cecilie Hamnes Carlsen (2022). Språkprøver som portvoktere for mennesker på flukt. FeTT-Feministisk tidsskrift (temanummer om flukt), 2022(3): 22–27
Ricky van Oers (2022). The life in the UK test. Oral and written evidence. UK parliament, Justice and Home Affairs Committee.
Cecilie Hamnes Carlsen & Edit Bugge (2022). The life in the UK test. Written evidence. UK parliament, Justice and Home Affairs Committee.
Ricky van Oers (2022). Nooit echt Nederlander (Never really Dutch, elderly asylum seekers giving up their wish to become Dutch because of the requirement to pass the naturalisation test). (Radio 1, VPRO, 9 April 2022)
Cecilie Hamnes Carlsen (2022). Urimelige norskkrav kan stenge døren til arbeidslivet ( Kronikk, 17.4.2022
Cecilie Hamnes Carlsen and Kari Anne K. Drangsland (2022). Language tests as gatekeepers to residency and democratic rights by Refugee law and refugee lives. Refugee law and refugee lives, a podcast by CMI
Ricky van Oers (2021): Civic integration: a second chance for missed opportunities | Radboud Recharge. (27.12.2021)
Cecilie Hamnes Carlsen and Terje Einarsen in Dagsavisen: Bedre integrering (11.20.2021)
Edit Bugge and Live Grinden interviewed in Språksnakk (NRK P2) (30.5.2021)
Ricky van Oers in Volkskrant: Hogere inburgeringseis vergroot sociale ongelijkheid en maakt van degenen die niet kunnen naturaliseren ‘tweederangs burgers’ (3.2.2021)
Ricky van Oers interviewed in The Economist: How to design language tests for citizenship - and how not to (30.1.2021)
Carlsen, C. H. (2023) Likestillings-, inkluderings- og mangfaldsprisen 2023. Høgskulen på Vestlandet.