Jochem studies Climate Change
Jochem wanted to do his masters abroad, and was looking for a place where he could study something meaningful, but also easily enjoy his outdoor hobbies. Sogndal turned out to be the right place.
Jochem has previously done a minor in Arctic and Antarctic studies, which included a lot of climate change aspects, and he became very interested in the topic.
The perfect place for outdoor activities
– Sogndal is in the middle of some of the most beautiful nature in Norway, which means there are great options for going outdoors. My life apart from studying is important to me. As I enjoy climbing and skiing a lot, Sogndal is perfect, Jochem says.
The Master in Climate Change Management gives you sought-after and interdisciplinary competence in how we can achieve a sustainable transition and greener behaviour. With its proximity to fjords, mountains and glaciers, as well as avalanche and flood-exposed terrain, Sogndal is the perfect laboratory for studying climate change.
Interested in nature restoration
– I believe we need to put a lot more effort into mitigating climate change, and I think using my career is one of the best ways of doing so.
The topic of Johems master thesis is nature restoration, which is also something he would like to work with when he has finished his master.
– In my master thesis I am wiring about what will be the best approaches for peatland restoration in Norway. I am looking into what should be the goals and outcomes, and if the present approaches are able to meet these goals. I am also looking at how peatlands can help mitigate climate change.
One thing Jochem is really pleased with, is that the department is not too big. – You get to know the other students and teachers really well, he says.
Relevant for many people
– Climate change is a broad topic and includes many different fields. This also means that this master programme is relevant for many people. If you are interested in climate change, you can probably combine it with the background you already have.