RESINNREG webinar series
The PhD programme in Responsible Innovation and Regional Development invites to an open webinar series on industry-, green- and public innovation.
The purpose of the seminar series is to offer a platform to present and discuss cutting-edge research across various disciplines related to the thematic area of RESINNREG and cutting across our three pillars related to responsible industry innovation, green innovation and innovation in the public sector.
The seminar series is a recurrent, long-term initiative of RESINNREG aimed at its PhD candidates, senior researchers and colleagues at HVL as well as friends and colleagues interested in this topic elsewhere. We seek explicitly to acknowledge and reflect the plurality of our field – to that end, invited speakers represent scholarship from different disciplines, covering different geographical background. Moreover, the webinar series aims to present research from established as well as early-career researchers.
The format is 40 minutes presentation, followed by 20 minutes Q&A. Usually the sessions are chaired by the coordinator of the Webinar Series, Prof. Lars Coenen.
Upcoming speakers
Subject to change.
Previous sessions
18/2 11-12 h CET
Prof. Ron Boschma. Professor in Regional Economics at the Department of Human Geography and Planning of Utrecht University& Professor in Innovation Studies at UiS Business School of Stavanger University in Norway.
Room: M509, K2, campus Bergen
Title: Green diversification of regions: the role of regional capabilities and inter-regional collaboration
11/1 11-12h CET
Prof. Frank Geels, Professor of System Innovation, University of Manchester & Professor II at HVL
Webinar: https://hvl.zoom.us/j/2990446032?pwd=OUZVVlBVSjV2QitqVVczaVJlVThKdz09
Title: Understanding the socio-technical dynamics of low-carbon transitions: An introduction to the Multi-Level Perspective
31/8 11-12h CET
Prof. Stephen P. Osborne, Chair of International Public Management, University of Edinburgh & Professor II at HVL
Title: Public service innovation: a value creation framework
21/9 11-12h CET
Prof. Kevin Morgan, University Dean of Engagement & Professor of Governance & Development, Cardiff University
Title: Progressive localism: social innovation and the foundational economy
26/10 11-12 CET
Prof. Elisa Giuliani, Professor & Director of Responsible Management Research Centre, University of Pisa
Title: The geography of toxic inventions
2/11 13.15-14.15h CET
Prof. Jacob Torfing, Professor and Research Director of the Roskilde School of Governance, Roskilde University
Title: Leading and managing co-creation of public value outcomes
23/11 11-12h CET
Caroline Wigren-Kristoferson, Malmø University & Lund University
Title: Innovation and gender in a municipal context