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ING1103 Chemistry and Statistics

Course description for academic year 2017/2018

Contents and structure


Atomic structure and the periodic system - chemical bonds - nomenclature of inorganic compounds - stoichiometric calculations - chemical equilibrium - acids, bases, and salts - reduction and oxidation - galvanic cells and electrochemistry - corrosion - gasses, solubility - main organic groups and their nomenclature - oil, natural gas and plastic



Average and spread, histograms, probability and combinatorics, discrete and continuous distributions, estimation and confidence intervals, hypothesis test, linear regression and correlation

Learning Outcome


The student:

  • is able to explain the structure of the periodic table and is able to extract information from it
  • is able to describe the different types of chemical bonds
  • is able to describe and use the table of standard reduction potentials
  • is able to give an overview of the main groups of compounds in organic chemistry
  • knows the principles for safe laboratory work



The student:

  • is able to balance reaction equations and carry out stoichiometric calculations
  • is able to determine reduction/oxidation conditions in chemical compounds and in chemical reactions
  • is able to carry out calculations for dynamical equilibrium
  • is able to perform calculations for electrochemical systems


General Qualifications:

The student:

  • is able to explain basic chemical theories and concepts in a simple way, and recognize these in newly developed technology
  • has basic competence in the subject as a basis for further studies in chemistry or related subjects



The student:

  • can explain probability calculations, combinatorics and applications
  • can describe basic terms, for example: random variables, expectation, variance and standard deviation
  • knows different probability distributions, for example: normal distribution, binomial distribution; and test methods
  • can explain regression
  • can explain the central limit theorem and its relevance
  • can explain the difference between conditional and unconditional probabilities of dependent and independent events



The student:

  • can use basic methods to analysis and describe data
  • can use probability calculation generally and in connection with random variables
  • can calculate simultaneous probabilities and covariance
  • can create different types of confidence intervals of different types of data
  • can carry out hypothesis tests related to normal- and t-distributions
  • can carry out simple linear regressions and hypothesis test regarding to the equation of regression line with inclination and calculate the prediction interval


General qualifications:

The student:

  • can use knowledge of the course as basis for other subjects in the education, such as thesis writing, included bachelor thesis
  • can read technical literature and communicate in the field of statistical concepts and methods

Entry requirements


Recommended previous knowledge

Analysis and Linear Algebra (for the part in statistics)

Teaching methods

Lectures, workshops and laboratory work

Regular lectures, exercises, laboratory work and similar activities will be given every third week. During the two weeks where there is no regular teaching, the students are expected to work on the subject by themselves or in teams and to follow course material that is made available online.

In special cases instruction will be given by an English speaking lecturer/guest lecturer. The exam will still be given in Norwegian.

Parts of the course might be given in Haugesund.

Compulsory learning activities

Compulsory assignment 1, chemistry: 1 lab excersice completed and approved.

Compulsory assignment 2, chemistry: 1 test completed and approved. Valid for the semester that the compulsory assignment are completed and the following semester.

Compulsory assignment 3, statistics: will be specified in the course plan by semester start.

If the student has had the right to previously take the exam, compulsory assignment no. 1 and 3 are considered fulfilled, while compulsory assignment no. 2 must be retaken.


There is a separat exam for each part of the course. If one exam is failed, a new exam will have to be carried out for this part.

Part 1: Written exam in chemistry, 3 hours, acccounts for 50 % of the final grade.

Part 2: Written exam in statistics, 3 hours, accounts for 50 % of the final grade.

Both parts must be passed.

Graded scale: A - E / F (failed).

Examination support material

Chemistry exam: The periodic table and the University College's calculator (Casio fx-82Es) will be handed out during the exam.

Statistics exam: The University College's calculator (Casio fx-82Es) will be handed out during the exam.

More about examination support material