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ING3061 Environmental Science and Pollution

Course description for academic year 2017/2018

Contents and structure

The students will in this subject create an understanding for our nature and its resources. The students will gain knowledge to identify and analyze natural and human created problems for the environment. Suggestions for sustainable solutions should be based on evidence-based information and data.

Learning Outcome


Students should be familiar with:

  • National and international environmental institutions
  • Important conventions and regulations
  • Report and environmental data on: biodiversity, climate and climate change, pollution, pollutants, land use, population growth, endangered species, spreading of species and organisms, and environmental categories
  • Cost-benefit analyzes
  • Environmental and CO2 accounts

The student can explain:

  • Water: resource, use, management, pollution and treatment
  • Atmosphere: climate change and air pollution
  • Waste and disposal
  • Local and national contingency plan for pollution (oil, nuclear, other pollution), and emergency response arrangements.

The student has an overview of:

  • Impact on the environment by various types of pollution.
  • Environmental problems in specific industries.



The student can plan and follow up environmental studies.

The student can plan and carry out an environmental risk assessment.

The student can prepare an application for a discharge permit.

Students can follow up discharge permits and governmental affairs related to permissions.

Students can conduct stakeholder analyzes.  



The student can explain the basic theories and concepts in a simple way (written and oral).

The student has knowledge on how the environment is affected by humans and industry.

Students can exchange views with professionals and participate in discussions within the field.

The student has experience with laboratory work.

The student has experience in team work.

Entry requirements


Recommended previous knowledge

Chemistry and the environment (ING1009)

Teaching methods

Lectures; Lab course; Project work

Compulsory learning activities

Lab course completed with approved report.


Part 1: Project, accounts for 50 % of the final grade.

Part 2: Written exam, 4 hours, accounts for 50 % of the final grade.

Grading scale A-E/passed; F/failed.

Both parts must be passed

Examination support material


More about examination support material