LU1-MAT215 Mathematics 1b
Course description for academic year 2017/2018
Contents and structure
This course plan is based on what the "National guidelines for teacher training for primary and secondary education years 1-7" say about mathematics, the purpose being to educate mathematics teachers who can facilitate complete mathematics teaching in line with relevant research and the current curriculum.
This involves various types of competence such as being able to:
- analyse the pupils' mathematical development
- be good mathematical guides and partners
- select and create good mathematical examples and tasks
- evaluate and select material for use in teaching mathematics
- look at mathematics as a creative process and stimulate pupils into using their creative abilities
In order to develop the necessary competence, students will use mathematics for levels 1-7 to develop teaching knowledge of mathematics that includes both academic and didactic knowledge.
The students will have a solid and reflective understanding of the mathematics that pupils will learn and how this is further developed in the next stages of the educational system. Among other things, this means that they must be able to implement and understand mathematical processes and arguments. The students must also have knowledge of mathematics that is specific to the teaching profession. This means that they are also able to analyse mathematical processes and arguments proposed by others and evaluate their soundness and potential.
Students will have the didactic competence that enables them to become familiar with the pupils' perspective and learning processes and to use variation and adaptation to prepare mathematics teaching for pupils with different needs and with different cultural and social backgrounds, in such a way that mathematics is perceived as a meaningful subject for all pupils.
Mathematics 1 is divided in two subjects that build on each other: Mathematics 1A (15 cr) and Mathematics 1B (15 cr).
The subject comprises mathematical didactic and mathematical topics that are important for those teaching mathematics in years 1-7. Most topics will be relevant in both subjects, but we will concentrate on selected topics in the various subjects in order to develop theoretical and practical tools that can be used for further work. In total, these disciplines will enable students to have the learning outcome for mathematics 1 described in the "National guidelines for teacher training for primary and secondary education years 1-7".
The mathematical topics in particular focus in this subject are: geometry and measurement, statistics, combinatorics and probability calculation.
In In geometry and measurement,development of terms and concepts will be central, particularly work on developing a good understanding of the terms length, area and volume. Geometrical figures in a plane and in space, calculations and measurement, geometrical theorems and definitions, constructions and drawings, depictions and symmetry will be covered. Experimentation and argument are central.
Statistics will cover descriptive statistics, such as the collection, processing and presentation of data. Variables, frequencies and measures of central tendency and dispersion are central in this work. Probability includes chance, uncertainty, stochastic experiments, probability models, calculations, experiments and simulations. Work on combinatorics includes selection, arrangements and systematisation.
There is further work on relevant mathematical didactic theory in the topics from mathematics 1A, so as to give students the theoretical and practical tools to be able to develop teaching knowledge in mathematics. Work on this aspect will include:
The basic skills such as being able to use maths in all subjects and oral skills in mathematics. Work on dynamic geometry programmes will be part of the digital skills. Interaction patterns and communication, especially communication with and among pupils. Semiotic representation forms, with movement between concrete and abstract representation forms, informal and formal maths language and the role of language in the pupils' learning. Participation and appropriation perspectives in respect of pupils' learning, especially social perspectives of learning as sociocultural and social constructivistic perspectives. Evaluation for learning, where formative evaluation will be linked to learning goals and mapping tests are linked to preventing and revealing mathematics problems. Competences in mathematics and how different views on subject and knowledge are connected with learning and views on learning. Working methods that allow for adapted teaching and pupil activities that promote learning.
Skills in practice will mainly relate to work on the youngest level in this subject.
Learning Outcome
The student
- has detailed teaching knowledge in geometry and measurement, with a particular focus on teaching for beginners
- has knowledge of statistics, combinatorics and probability calculation and can connect this knowledge with teaching material for the primary stage
- has knowledge of the content of mathematics in the kindergarten and in primary school as well as the transitions between kindergarten and primary and between primary and lower secondary school
- has teaching knowledge on the significance of arithmetic as a basic skill in all school subjects
- has knowledge of oral expression, reading, written expression and using digital tools in the subjects above
- has knowledge of common interaction patterns and communication related to teaching mathematics
- has knowledge of the significance semiotic representation forms have in the subjects above, and which challenges are related to transitions between representation forms
- has knowledge of the role of language in learning mathematics
- has knowledge of different theories for learning, and on the connection between learning views and subject and knowledge views
- has knowledge of a broad repertoire of methods for teaching the subjects above
The student
- can plan, implement and assess mathematics teaching for all pupils in the youngest stage, with focus on variation and pupil activity, based on research, theory and practice
- has good practical skills in oral and written communication in mathematics, and the competence to promote such skills in pupils
- can use work methods that promote pupils' wonder, creativity and ability to work systematically with exploring activities, justifications, arguments and evidence
- can use and assess mapping tests and various observation and assessment methods, in order to adapt teaching to the pupils' varying needs
- can communicate with pupils, individually and in various group settings, listen to, assess and make use of pupil suggestions and institutionalise knowledge
- can analyse and assess pupils' ways of thinking, argumentation and solution methods from different perspectives on knowledge and learning
- can prevent and detect mathematics difficulties and facilitate mastering in pupils with various types of mathematics difficulties
Entry requirements
Recommended previous knowledge
Teaching methods
The students are themselves responsible for acquiring the knowledge, skills and competence expressed in the learning outcome above. The teachers will be the driving force in this and will facilitate this work through teaching, guidance, theoretical and practical studies, tasks and other activities. We will emphasise forms of work that promote curiosity, research, reflection and creative problem solving with and without digital tools. This will involve a great deal of student activity throughout the course of study.
Work on academic and didactic mathematical themes will ensure an interaction between academic and didactic knowledge and skills that facilitates the student's academic and didactic development and reflection. Relevant research is guiding for this work. Through work with literature the student develops knowledge and skills for reflection and development. Practice is an arena in which the student gains experience in using, reflecting on and developing knowledge and skills, for which reason practice will be a natural partner. Teaching will be an arena in which literature and practice are brought together, where knowledge, experience and skills are revealed and developed by means of specific activities, lectures, discussions and guidance. There will be collaboration with other subjects. During the studies the student will work on assignments individually and in groups to support the student's academic and didactic development and reflection.
Compulsory learning activities
1. Oral and written assignments as specified in the semester plan
2. 80% class attendance is obligatory.
Oral exam
Examination support material
More about examination support material