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LU1-NOR315 Norwegian 2a 1-7

Course description for academic year 2017/2018

Contents and structure

In Norwegian 2, students will gain an extended, research-based insight into the Norwegian language and textual knowledge and subject didactics. They will work further on the basic skills and with a wide spectrum of working methods, so as to obtain a deeper understanding of the connection between subject, subject didactics and practice.

HSH has chosen to place particular focus on oral genres and narrative arts in Norwegian 2 for 1-7.

Academic content. Specification of theme:

  • Norm and variation in spoken and written Norwegian
  • Factual prose in subject works and textbooks
  • Text and formation in the subject of Norwegian over the course of time
  • Composite texts
  • Picture books/children's books in a historical perspective

Learning Outcome


  • Has knowledge of linguistic change processes, previous and contemporary, about standardisation issues in modern Norwegian and about key characteristics of Norwegian dialects
  • Has knowledge of which functions reading and writing have had and have now in our culture and about what characterises written communication in different media
  • Has extensive knowledge about verbal and written genres and insight into how pupils from years 1 to 7 develop knowledge about these, and can use them in own textual work
  • Has an overview of literary history, knowledge of important works in Norwegian fiction and non-fiction and knowledge of theories on composite texts
  • Has knowledge of what happens when a children's literature text is transferred from one medium to another (adaptation)


  • Can organise and implement adapted reading and writing tuition for years 1 to 7 according to sound academic principles, including for pupils for whom Norwegian is a second language
  • Can use linguistic and textual knowledge actively in the guidance of pupils in the reading and writing process
  • Can evaluate and reflect on various types of tests in reading and writing and use the results for the academic development of the pupils
  • Can facilitate the oral linguistic development of the pupils
  • Can give guidance in work on texts so that pupils can develop themselves, acquire knowledge and prepare themselves for active participation in public and society as a whole
  • Can compare texts written for children with regard to content, form and function
  • Can put key Norwegian texts in a historical context, interpret them and view them in the light of Nordic and other international literature
  • Can read, analyse, interpret and evaluate composite texts and put them into a larger cultural and public context


general competence:

  • Can evaluate his or her own practice as a teacher of Norwegian and justify the evaluations
  • Has insight into the subject of Norwegian on the basis of research and in relation to the subject's history and can critically and constructively reflect on the subject from a historical perspective
  • Has a conscious attitude to how discussions between teacher and pupils and discussions between pupils can act as learning tools

Entry requirements

Norwegian 1, 30 study points

Recommended previous knowledge


Teaching methods

Classroom teaching, physical and by video transfer; teacher managed and with student activities. Presentations and seminar presentations, oral and written assignments, individual and in groups. Text creation and assessment: Practice assignments.

Compulsory learning activities

Approved written and oral study requirements. All study requirements are specified in the semester plan



Examination support material


More about examination support material