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MOØ224 Innovation in cross-disciplinary student teams

Course description for academic year 2017/2018

Contents and structure

The aim of this course is to develop student entrepreneurship and knowledge on how to bring knowledge-based ideas to the market. The students will draw on knowledge and skills they have acquired in previous courses to develop a knowledge-based idea into a business plan. The students can i) develop their own idea, ii) work on knowledge-based ideas from regional research and business milieus or iii) work on an innovation idea or innovation process within an established company. HVL will cooperate closely with BTO (the Technology Transfer Office for the Bergen region), industry clusters (GCE, NCE, ARENA), incubators, Connect Vest and other regional actors regarding the selection of ideas. The course will be a combination of seminars and practical assignments, and will take a problem-oriented approach in developing the idea into a business plan. We will specifically adopt a Design Thinking method and a Lean start up approach in the practical work. Through the practical assignments, the students will gather data from technical experts, potential users and customers, competitors and others. The students will be supported by a mentor group consisting of experienced entrepreneurs, business developersand industry experts. The students shall work in teams with peer students. Student teams will be composed of different disciplinary educational backgrounds: engineers and business administration students will work in cross-disciplinary teams. It will also be possible to advance the knowledge-based ideas in the course MOØ300 Master Thesis, and write a Master Thesis related to the innovation and entrepreneurial process.

Learning Outcome

After finishing the course the student:

  • has advanced knowledge about the innovation process from idea concept to developing an advanced business plan
  • has advanced knowledge about entrepreneurship processes and is able to make critical reflections regarding his/hers¿ entrepreneurial learning
  • has highly developed knowledge of what kind of resources, networks, competences and strategies that is necessary to advance business ideas

After finishing the course the student:

  • has acquired competence in working with innovation and business development tools
  • is able to take a position in a student team and participate in interactive innovation processes with mentors and other network
  • Is able to take strategically and knowledge based decisions during the innovation process
  • has acquired entrepreneurship skills and related strategic and relational orientations enabling the access of necessary external resources, knowledge and networks

After finishing the course the student:

  • is able to develop a knowledge-based idea into an advanced business plan
  • is able to leverage the necessary network, knowledge and resources to advance a knowledge-based idea
  • is able to take strategically and knowledge based decisions to develop a knowledge-based idea

Recommended previous knowledge

  • MOØ200 Innovation Theory and Innovation Strategy
  • MOØ201 Financial Management
  • MOØ203 Technology Based Entrepreneurship
  • MOØ218 Project Management

Teaching methods

The course will be a combination of how to do seminars, teamwork and practical assignments related to developing the knowledge-based ideas. We will organize several practical how to do seminars: Design Thinking (DT), team management, Lean startup/business model generation, and networking. One milestone seminar will be organized where students present their results-in-process to internal and external mentors.

In between seminars, student teams will work with concrete assignments related to the ideas. The mentor group will assist the teams for expert advice and mentoring during these periods. Student teams will deliver one final business plan/project results at the end of the semester. The students will also present and defend their business plan/project results in a `mini¿-Springbrett to an external jury (in collaboration with Connect Vest). The students will also write individually a reflection report on the experience with teamwork and/or the innovation/entrepreneurial process.

Compulsory learning activities

Students have to attend all seminars.

Mandatory assignments are valid the examination semester and 3 following semesters.


Exam in two parts:

  1. Evaluation is based on the business plan/project results (group work) (60% of the final assessment).
  2. One individual reflection report (40% of the final assessment).

Grading scale is A-F where F is fail.

Both parts must get a passing grade in order to get a final grade for the course

Course reductions

  • INN524 - Innovasjon i tverrfaglege studentteam - Reduction: 7.5 studypoints