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NAB3010 Operational management

Course description for academic year 2017/2018

Contents and structure

The subject matter of the course is operational leadership and psychology relevant for bridge officers during demanding maritime situations. Students will go through relevant theory - but also carry out considerable parts of the course in the form of practical exercises with- and without the use of simulators,  including Bridge Resource Management (BRM) course in accordance with the statutes of STCW.

Learning Outcome


The student:

  • Have broad knowledge on individual conditions that influences team work and performance in operational situations; psychological conditions that can influence the results of operational efforts, and organizational psychological and contextual conditions that influence operations, as well as development of motivation and coping.
  • The student have knowledge of research and development within the field of study, is able to update his or her knowledge within the field of study and is familiar with its history.


The student:

  • Is able to apply subject theory and relevant R & D results about individual, psychological, organizationalpsychological and contextual conditions influence on practical management of operational situations, as well as theoretical problems and make justified decisions.
  • Is able to reflect on own operational management and adjust this under guidance.
  • Be able to find, evaluate, and refer to information and subject matter within operational management and psychology and present this in order to illustrate a problem.
  • Master operational management techniques and tools for maintainment of motiviation, coping, and situational awareness, as well as ensure the health- and wellbeing of the crew.


  • The Student:
  • Have insight into relevant ethical problems for bridge officers in connection to relevant demands for crew, e.g.; physical environmental demands, traumatic stress and sleep deprivation.
  • Is able to plan and conduct maritime operations with regard to establish and maintain situational awareness and in accordance with ethical demands and statutes.
  • Is able to present central subject matter like theoretical arguments and principles of operational management and psychology in expressional forms relevant for crew, management and external clients.
  • Is able to discuss points of view and experiences with reference to operational management and through this contribute to development of good practice.
  • Is familiar with innovation- and innovational processes in connection with the subject at HSH and in relevant parts of the industry.
  • The course covers relevant IMO regulations in STCW 78 as Amended, table A-II/1 og A-II/2.
  • In combination with the subjects NAB1004 Praktisk navigasjon I and NAB2004 Praktisk navigasjon II, NAB3010 Operativ ledelse qualifies the student to get a BRM-course certification.

Entry requirements

NAB1002 Terrestrial navigation, NAB1004 Practical navigation I, and NAB2004 Practical navigation II. NAB3018 Maritime communication or equivalent must be passed before simulator excercises are started upon.


NAB1026 Navigation I, NAB1027 Navigation II. NAB3018 Maritime communication or equivalent and NAB2014 Navigation III must be passed before simulator excercises are started upon.

Recommended previous knowledge

NAB1028 Cooperation, organisation and culture at sea.

Teaching methods

Lectures and exercises with- and without the use of simulator

Compulsory learning activities

Approved completed simulator exercises (will be specified at the beginning of the semester).


Written exam, 5 hours. Graders marked A-F.

Examination support material

No support material is allowed

More about examination support material

Course reductions

  • NABP4001 - Maritim kommunikasjon og leiing - Reduction: 10 studypoints