PRAKHB2104 Clinical studies in Homecare
Course description for academic year 2017/2018
Contents and structure
The course emphasises knowledge of nursing and its clinical practice with patients in their own home. Emphasis will be placed on reflection and knowledge of the quality of life concerning patients living at home with chronic illness / function failure. This practical study will enable the student to get familiar with the position of home care nursing in the total health service, and the significance of interaction on levels pertaining to individuals, institutions and society as a whole.
- The student must be prepared to carry out practical training in the district (practical training sites on contracts with HVL campus Haugesund).
- Staff at practical training site/the student make out a rota of 240 hours, over 8 weeks.
- During practical studies the student will focus on clinical work through direct contact with patients and next of kin.
- The rota must be approved by teacher and student supervisor/contact nurse at the practical training site during week 1 or 2.
- The student must by and large adhere to the rota of the contact nurse.
- The student must work day, evening, weekends and night (where feasible).
- Group tutorial with teacher is obligatory and counts as practical training.
- For a practical period to be considered as passed, the student must have been present at least 90% of the scheduled time.
- Absence exceeding 10%, , results in failed practical training.
- The student is encouraged to continuously obtain any absence up to 10% (days 1-3), if possible for the practical training site.
- Should illness or other unaccountable circumstances result in absence exceeding 10%, hand in «Absence with doctor's certificate during exam" and a doctor's certificate (or other valid documentation) to the study administration no later than 3 working days after acceptable absence, otherwise the practical training will be regarded as a failed attempt.
- Absence between 10% and 20% can still, if possible, be obtained during practical training in agreement with contact nurse and teacher.
- In special cases, absence can be obtained up to one week after the practical period should have ended. In such cases, Head of nursing department has decision-making authority.
- Change of shifts without approval from nurse or instructor counts as absence.
- The student is responsible for reporting absence to the department.
- Obligatory initial, midway and final conversations will be carried out in all practical periods lasting 8 weeks. Midway and final conversations are carried out in accordance with the assessment form AssCE (cf. guide to AssCE form). The student should note that different levels of nursing practice are expected in relation to how far advanced the student is in his/her study and the number of practical periods he/she has completed.
- The obligatory assignments must be approved by the teacher in order for the student to pass the practical period.
- If a practical period is not passed/not completed, the student has to carry out a new practical period in whole, with corresponding tasks. This must be carried out regardless of the cause of the non-passing/non-completion.
- For further information the student, contact nurse and student supervisor are asked to consult the Curriculum for practical studies.
Learning Outcome
The Student:
- Has knowledge of appropriate conduct and cooperation with patients and next of kin in their own homes.
- Has knowledge of means to maintain basic needs of patients living at home.
- Has knowledge of relevant means of communication, especially communication promoting client participation and interaction with patients and their next of kin.
- Has knowledge of information, guidance and teaching relevant for the patient.
- Has knowledge of the nursing process as a method in practising nursing to patients who live at home.
- Has knowledge of relevant illnesses and disabilities, of treatment, rehabilitation and relevant nursing.
- Has knowledge of palliative nursing and alleviating treatment to seriously ill and dying patients and their next of kin.
- Has knowledge of relevant preparations, examinations, nursing procedures and use of technical utilities.
- Has knowledge of drugs, effects, side effects and management of drugs.
- Has knowledge of cooperation, work management and organisation of the municipal home care nursing, and cooperation between the different levels in the health system.
- Has knowledge of how various factors and interdisciplinary cooperation may contribute to improvement processes and a sound care pathway.
- Has knowledge of risk factors in relation to patients living at home.
- Has knowledge of current guidelines, regulations and legislation governing this part of the health service.
- Has knowledge of relevant resources in the local community/municipality for instance visitation services, volunteer centres, and patient and user organisations.
The Student:
- Uses purposeful communication verbally and non-verbally.
- Uses relevant principles for information, guidance and instruction with patients, next of kin and other collaborators.
- Identifies, assesses, prioritises, plans, implements, follows up, reports and documents the need for nursing to patients/users with various disorders. This is carried out in agreement with the patient, the next of kin and other co-workers.
- Identifies the patient's resources and motivates the patient to use as well as strengthen them.
- Cooperates with patients, next of kin and volunteers and uses their knowledge and resources as contributions in maintaining a meaningful everyday life.
- Carries out nursing procedures, administers drugs according to current guidelines, and assists in examinations and treatment in a professionally justifiable manner.
- Is capable of interacting with own occupational group, and is able to cooperate interdisciplinary and interdepartmentally.
- Prevents complications and attends to the safety of the patient in line with updated knowledge.
- Attends to the patient's autonomy and integrity in accordance with ethical and legal guidelines.
- Uses knowledge from syllabus, research and development work in the nursing practise.
- Reflects on own professional practise and adjusts it during guidance.
The Student:
- Demonstrates insight into the significance of communication in promoting trust and establishing a sense of safety in patients and their next of kin.
- Demonstrates independence, accuracy and a professional justifiable manner of all kinds of nursing, for example through carrying out nursing procedures, management of drugs and through examinations and treatment.
- Complies with the duty of confidentiality and acts in accordance with professional, ethical and legal guidelines.
- Demonstrates respect, understanding and charity and takes each person¿s situation and perception seriously, regardless of culture, religion and perception of reality.
- Demonstrates responsibility for own learning, takes initiative in learning situations and utilises instruction actively and constructively.
- Demonstrates an ability to reflect critically on own capability to practise nursing to patients/users in home care nursing.
Entry requirements
The student must pass practice 1 PRAKHB1001, and the courses SYKHB1021, SYKHB1031, SYKHB1022 and SYKHB1032, in addition to compulsory work for 3. semester related to SYKHB2023 and SYKHB2033.
Recommended previous knowledge
All preceding courses
Teaching methods
Integration of theory and practise, guidance and reflection, teamwork, supervised practical training/student follow-up, demonstrations, written obligatory assignments/work and digital assignments, oral presentation, project work, classmate response, skills training, reflection notes, self evaluation, seminars.
Compulsory learning activities
Medication test
Examination support material
More about examination support material