SÅR1101 General principals in treatment of non-healing wounds
Course description for academic year 2017/2018
Contents and structure
This course is divided into two themes,
- the physiological and pathophysiological basis of wound treatment
- wounds that won't heal, general principals of treatment
The course looks at how the body reacts to trauma, how healing takes place and which conditions that govern the healing of wounds. Furthermore, the course examines the mechanisms that come into force when normal wound healing does not occur, and alternative strategies for dealing with it.
Learning Outcome
- have comprehensive knowledge about the construction of the skin and its funcion in relation to wound development and wound healing
- have comprehensive knowledge about normal healing in skin and tissue, including the role of oxygen
- have comprehensive knowledge about circulatory diseases as the basis for the development of wounds
- have comprehensive knowledge about immunological and pathological mechanisms behind the development of wounds
- have comprehensive knowledge about the role of bacteria in the growth and maintenance of non-healing wounds
- have comprehensive knowledge about how diseases/treatment influence wound healing
- have comprehensive knowledge about wounds and economics
- have comprehensive knowledge about necrosis and development of devitalised tissue and methods for dealing with it
- have comprehensive knowledge about handling wound exudate
- have comprehensive knowledge about aids in wound treatment
- have comprehensive knowledge about how wounds influence the quality of life
- have comprehensive knowledge about wound treatment and documentation
- have comprehensive knowledge about nutrition and wound healing
- identifies which wounds indicating a normal and expected healing and which wounds demanding special attention and treatment
- identifies and eliminates conditions that inhibit healing
- chooses solutions that are both professionally justifiable and economically acceptable
- imparts independent work and masters the expressions from the subject area
Entry requirements
Recommended previous knowledge
Teaching methods
Lectures, literature studies, counselling, teamwork with written assignment.
This is a chiefly web-based part-time education with two themes, each commencing with an assembly of four days.
Compulsory learning activities
1 written assignment
Participate in discussion groups at Fronter with at least 6 contributions
75 % obligatory turnout for instruction, a maksimum of two days absence
Home examination over three weeks
Examination support material
More about examination support material