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ELDHELS2006 Elderly with Vital Function Failure II

Course description for academic year 2018/2019

Contents and structure

The course encompasses relevant patient histories close to practice. ELDHELS2006 emphasises clinical assessment of the patient, polypharmacy and unsound use of medicaments as well as knowledge-based practice.

Learning Outcome

The Candidate:


  • has advanced knowledge of clinical assessment of elderly people with severe failure in vital functions.
  • has specialized knowledge of polypharmacy and unsound use of medicaments in the context of elderly people with severe failure in vital functions.
  • has knowledge when it comes to working in a knowledge-based manner.


  • is able to independently obtain data about the health history of the pasient (anamnesis).
  • is able to implement a systematic clinical examination.
  • is able to assess the medicamental treatment of elderly people with severe failure in vital functions.
  • is able to identify unsound drug interactions.
  • is able to employ knowledge from various subject areas and integrate these in care and treatment.
  • works knowledge-based and contributes to clinical professional development at the workplace.


  • is able to analyse and stay critically alert to existing theory and practice.
  • is able to contribute with mapping of drug-related problems in interdisciplinary teams.
  • is able to analyse and communicate professional problems within advanced nursing. with both cooperating health personnel and the public.
  • is able to contribute to new thinking and innovation processes in clinical practice.

Entry requirements

Elderly with Vital Function Failure I

Recommended previous knowledge


Teaching methods

Lectures, self-studies, teamwork, written and practical assignments individually and in groups.

The duration of the study is 1 semester. The students will meet in appointed assemblies. The students are expected to work, both individually and in groups, between the assemblies.

Compulsory learning activities



Portefolio. Graded marks

Examination support material


More about examination support material