HELS-GRUNL The Theory Base of Clinical Health and Caring Science
Course description for academic year 2018/2019
Contents and structure
The course provides insight into the theory base of clinical health and caring science.
The course focuses on discussions of the values, concepts and theories that make up a joint basis for health and caring science, regardless of clinical context, circumstances and occupational affiliation. Displaying how health and caring science as a scientific discipline and subject area is formed by ontological, theoretical and epistemological understanding is central to the course. Health and caring science will be elucidated and discussed in an interdisciplinary perspective and related to current research and clinical practice.
Learning Outcome
The Student:
- has comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the basic values, concepts and theories pertaining to health and caring science
- has an understanding of health and caring science as fundamental science and applied science
The Student:
- is able to discuss a clinical situation in light of the theory base of caring science
General Competence:
The Student:
- is able to employ his theoretical basis of health and caring science interdisciplinary
- is able to contribute to new thinking within his subject area
- is able to employ his knowledge in the theory base pertaining to clinical problems, situations and possible solutions
Entry requirements
Recommended previous knowledge
Teaching methods
Lectures, tutorials, seminars/net meetings based on dialogue, teamwork with proposals and written assignment on campus and/or digitally.
Compulsory learning activities
Home examination, 2 weeks. Graded Marks
Examination support material
More about examination support material