LU1-PEL415 Pedagogy and student knowledge 2b 1-7
Course description for academic year 2018/2019
Contents and structure
Education and pupil knowledge are general professional disciplines in teacher training. These must be unifying and represent the academic platform of primary and lower secondary teacher training, together with the other disciplines and practice teaching. A central focus area throughout the course will be to reinforce the students' education and professional identity with respect for different cultures and values.
The core of the subject is how upbringing and teaching can contribute to all pupils' academic, social and personal learning and development. Awareness of cultural variation in upbringing is vital in the encounter with Sami and other minority language pupils, where one must take into account both the specifics and also what is common for all children in Norway. Themes such as the inclusive school, diversity and adapted teaching are central here.
Endorsement by research-based knowledge and scientific thinking is a prerequisite for all disciplines of the subject. In primary teacher training for years 1-7, themes that relate to teaching at beginner's level, play and children's own culture will be central. Throughout the course of study, it will be important to contribute to the candidates' understanding of the five basic skills as central elements of the pupils' learning. Education and pupil knowledge is intended to provide a basis for critical analysis of the challenges that society, culture and politics represent for the teacher's role and for activities in school. In cooperation with the other subjects and the practice field, one will deal with common central themes such as values, objectives, work and assessment methods.
The themes and progression in the subject will derive from the various course plans. The first study year will focus on how the teacher facilitates the pupils' learning and development. There will be close collaboration here with drama and by means of exemplary teaching the students will encounter and try out creative, aesthetic and dramatic forms of expression. Other study years will focus on the pupils' academic, social and personal development. The third study year is a development of the teacher's professional role and identity and the school as organisation, school development and key themes of professional ethics. Here there will be close collaboration with religion, philosophy of life and ethics. This year is concluded with the bachelor's thesis, scientific theory and research methods.
There will be a close connection between content and working methods in teaching and pupil knowledge and practice teaching. In the first year, a common framework for this collaboration will be the introduction of teaching work, the didactic encounter between pupil, teacher and subject matter. In the second study year, the collaboration will be concentrated on the challenge that pupil diversity represents for work in school. In the third study year, insight into the school as an organization and cooperation with
colleagues, parents and other central institutions outside the school, will be a common denominator. In addition there is an assumption of cooperation on the Bachelor's thesis with both the practice training and with the education's subject teachers.
A more detailed description of the content of educational course 1 - 7 will appear in semester plans and reading lists.
Bachelor's thesis, scientific theory and research methods.
The bachelor's thesis must be an independent and research-based written paper where the candidates must formulate and provide a response to a selected problem. The thesis must be linked to the practice field or other aspects of the school's activities. This entails that the problem must reflect central practical, disciplinary and/or educational challenges in the activities of primary and lower secondary school. The purpose of the thesis is to provide a holistic and coherent presentation on issues central to the profession.
Learning Outcome
The student
- has knowledge on central theoretical issues in education research
- has insight into central issues related to research methods relevant to studies of activities in and around the school
- has knowledge on central practical, disciplinary and educational challenges in the activities of primary and lower secondary school that have been developed in the bachelor's thesis
- has detailed knowledge on the topic that the individual has studied in depth through the bachelor's thesis
The student
- can critically analyse relevant research on learning work and which significance this may have for teaching and for all pupils' learning
- can plan and participate in development and change processes in the school, and can subsequently critically assess these
- can apply theoretical and methodical knowledge in the preparation of own bachelor's thesis
- has acquired skills in academic writing
General competence
The student
- demonstrates academic commitment on important issues regarding school and teaching, and on the basis of research, analyses and communicates complex academic material in a convincing manner
- can independently relate to ethical issues in connection with research
Entry requirements
LU1-PE115 and LU1-PEL215 or equivalent, 30 sp
Recommended previous knowledge
LU1-PEL115, LU1-PEL215, LU-PEL315
Teaching methods
Lectures, group work, reflection sessions. R&D work
Compulsory learning activities
- Participation on courses in philosophy of science and research methodology
- Mandatory guidance on Bachelor's thesis
- Oral presentation of topic for bachelor's thesis
- Participation i and contributions to study conferences during the course
All study requirements are specified in the semester plan
Bachelor thesis
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