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ING2049 Underwater Technology and Hydraulic Systems

Course description for academic year 2019/2020

Contents and structure

The influence of subsea environment on technical systems, Subsea production, remotely operated vehicle (ROV/AUV), Diving, Surface vessels for subsea operations, Hydrodynamic calculations, analysis of safety and reliability.

Hydraulic systems/circuits, hydraulic fluids, oil quality/oil analysis, fluid mechanics, pumps and motors, control valves, tanks, filters, coolers, couplings and pipes, noise and noise reduction in hydraulic installations.

Learning Outcome


The students

  • can explain the challenges the subsea environment represents for constructions and equipment which is used subsea;
  • have basic knowledge of typical field development where subsea production systems are extensively used;
  • have knowledge of subsea production systems, including drilling and completion of wells, equipment and maintenance-/intervention methods;
  • can explain methods for subsea operations, including the use of remotely operated  and programable vehicles (ROV/AUV), diving and relevant surface vessels;
  • have knowledge of reliability and risk analysis methods and apply them on equipment and operations;
  • have basic knowledge of components and control equipment used in hydraulic systems and know how to integrate them in functional systems;
  • can explain the sources and consequences of contaminants in the oil, and how this can be prevented;
  • have knowledge of regulation of pump capacity in hydraulic systems;
  • can explain the sources of noise and methods for noise attenuation in the hydraulic system.


The students are able to

  • design mechanical equipment for subsea applications;
  • perform hydrodynamical calculations for subsea lifting- and ROV-operations;
  • prepare operation procedures related to installation and maintenance/intervention;
  • design basic hydraulic systems based on standard components;
  • evaluate the technical characteristics of the hydraulic components in the system.

-General qualifications:

  • are able to keep themselves updated in a subject of rapid development;
  • can apply standards and guidelines related to general engineering work.

Entry requirements


Recommended previous knowledge

 Physics, Thermodynamics and Fluid mechanics.

Teaching methods

Lectures, mandantory laboratory exercises, calculation practice and industry excursion. Develop a project report.

Compulsory learning activities

 Yes(will be specified in the course plan by semester start).


Part 1: Written exam, 5 hours, accounts for 70 % of the final grade.

Part 2: Portfolio, accounts for 30 % of the final grade. 

Both parts must be passed.

Grade: A-E/passed; F/failed

Examination support material

Simple calculator: Allowed calculator is Casio fx-82 (all varieties: ES, ES Plus, EX, Solar etc.)

Technical table of formulas (Pedersen, Gustavsen, Kaasa og Olsen) will be handed out during the exam.

More about examination support material

Course reductions

  • ING3002 - Petroleumsproduksjon, undervannsteknologi og oljehydraulikk - Reduction: 10 studypoints
  • ING3015 - Petroleumsproduksjon og undervassteknologi - Reduction: 5 studypoints
  • INGB088 - Petroleumsproduksjon, undervannsteknologi og oljehydraulikk - Reduction: 10 studypoints
  • INGB3006 - Petroleums-og undervannsteknologi - Reduction: 5 studypoints
  • INGB024 - Undervannsteknologi - Reduction: 5 studypoints
  • PR080 - Undervannsteknologi - Reduction: 5 studypoints
  • PR080 - Undervannsteknologi - Reduction: 5 studypoints
  • ING3026 - Undervassteknologi - Reduction: 5 studypoints
  • ING3018 - Oljehydraulikk - Reduction: 5 studypoints
  • INGB058 - Oljehydraulikk og pneumatikk - Reduction: 5 studypoints
  • PR047 - Oljehydraulikk og pneumatikk - Reduction: 5 studypoints
  • MAS108 - Hydraulikk og hydrauliske maskinar - Reduction: 5 studypoints
  • MAS127 - Petroleumsproduksjon og undervassteknologi - Reduction: 5 studypoints
  • MAS302 - Hydraulikk - Reduction: 5 studypoints
  • MMO5010 - Subsea Systems and Operations - Reduction: 5 studypoints
  • MAS260 - Undervassteknologi - Reduction: 5 studypoints