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PSYK6101 People, Mental Illness, and the Social Environment

Course description for academic year 2019/2020

Contents and structure

The course centers on knowledge about mental illnesses and insight into what mental illnesses are like and the impact they may have on everyday life. Central to the course is the knowledge about the relation between biological, psychological, cultural and social relations pertaining to the causes of mental illnesses and choice of methods of treatment and persepctive. Emphasis will be put on insight and awareness of one's own attitudes and actions towards other people regardless of their cultural and religious affiliations and the like, and on one's own theoretical and professional principles and ethical reflections in relation to clinical situations.

Learning Outcome


The Student:

  • has comprehensive knowledge of professional and ethical perspectives in health and caring sciences in relation to people with mental illnesses
  • has comprehensive knowledge of different theories in understanding the development of mental illnesses
  • has comprehensive knowledge of client participation and the significance of empowerment in promoting mental health
  • has comprehensive knowledge of the relation between normality and deviance
  • has comprehensive knowledge of mental illnesses, and is able to identify the significance of social as well as biological factors in the development of mental illnesses
  • has comprehensive knowledge of the development of the mental health field and its cultural foundation
  • has comprehensive knowledge of the role of the next of kin


The Student:

  • is able to carry out systematic literature searches and practise criticism of the sources
  • is able to identify the ethical and moral challanges of the subject area and reflect critically on them
  • is able to identify and employ models for empowerment and coping in practical exercises and reflection

General Competence:

The Student:

  • is able to relate different perspectives as well as social and psychological theories to work with people with mental illnesses

Entry requirements


Teaching methods

Lectures, teamwork, seminars and self-tuition.

Compulsory learning activities



Assignment in group, with 2-4 students, 8 weeks. Graded marks

Examination support material


More about examination support material