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RUS6202 Perspectives on health promotion, prevention and treatment in drug abuse

Course description for academic year 2019/2020

Contents and structure

The course will concentrate on challenges caused by the inherent complexity within the field of drug abuse, and provide knowledge of models used for health promotion, care, prevention and treatment. Relationship building and communication are central subjects. Furthermore, the course will focus on social ethics and important laws and regulations within the field of drug abuse. Emphasis will be put on client participation together with knowledge and insight of the next of kin's situation and the need of interdisciplinary cooperation.

Learning Outcome


The Student:

  •  has comprehensive knowledge of which conditions that promote health and prevent harm when using intoxicants
  • has comprehensive knowledge of the structure and organisation of services for user groups and their next of kin, together with legislation and important guidelines influencing these services
  • has comprehensive knowledge of selected methods and models of treatment, rehabilitation and care
  • has an understanding of current legislation relevant for different clinical situations


The Student:

  • is able to analyse and critically assess various models for prevention, health promotion and treatment
  • is able to map and identify measures aimed at promoting coping and empowerment of the patient and their next of kin
  • is able to contribute to/lead an interdisciplinary cooperation promoting an integrated service provision for those affected by drug abuse
  • is able to display insight and understanding of professional and ethical problems by reflecting on one's own practice in reflection groups

General Competence:

The Student:

  • is able to analyse, assess and discuss health promotion, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and care for people struggling with drug abuse
  • is able to analyse and assess the framework conditions for people struggling, on different levels, with drug abuse

Entry requirements


Recommended previous knowledge


Teaching methods

Lectures divided into three week assemblies as well as tutorials, teamwork and self-tuition

Compulsory learning activities



Home examination, 3 dager

Examination support material


More about examination support material