BCA201V Artistic Expression and Practice in Communities 1 - Visual Art
Course description for academic year 2020/2021
Contents and structure
This course is an introduction to visual art in the community. You will gain basic experience with community work through observation and participation in different community activities. Your competence will be developed through practical training and theory. Visual art didactics is an integrated part of this course.
Learning Outcome
The student:
- Has basic knowledge of the diversity of local, national and global art forms and cultures.
- Has basic knowledge about working with visual art and communication in activities in the communities.
- Has basic knowledge of relevant topics and practices in research and innovation and in artistic research relating to working with visual art in the community.
- Has basic knowledge of visual art as a social and cultural phenomenon, tradition and historical development
The student:
- Can observe, describe and reflect on selected activities in different visual art activities in the community.
- Can present ideas for visual art activities for a selected group of people and relate this to theory on community art.
General competence
The student:
- Can understand how visual creative work can challenge one’s senses, engage emotions, demands concentration and activates the body.
- Can see how visual art can contribute to personal growth
Entry requirements
Teaching methods
Workshops, seminars, lectures, practical work in the studio, both individual and group-based work, professional training.
Compulsory learning activities
This course contains compulsory teaching activities, this will be specified in the semester plan.
- Professional training, two weeks. See plan for Professional training in Community Arts for details.
- One written assignment
Oral presentation.
Grading scale: A-F.