FØS8103 Psychology
Course description for academic year 2020/2021
Contents and structure
- Nature and nurture, biology and learning
- Perspectives on motivation and personality
- Social influence, social relations and social behaviour
- Stress and coping with stess
- Psychological problems and some mental illnesses
Learning Outcome
The student:
- Can account for key concepts and perspectives in modern psychology.
- Can explain and demonstrate an understanding of central theories within the following areas in psychology: Biological psychology, motivational psychology, social psychology, and personality psychology with psychological deviation.
The student:
- Can use basic psychological perspectives and theories in discussing situations involving interpersonal problems.
- Can discuss the conditions between individual/psychological factors and social factors in relationships between people.
- Can analyze situations with human problems with respect to a possible need for psychological help and support.
General Competence
The student:
- Can use knowledge about psychology towards a more critical and thoughtful, and therein less judgmental, view of people and social relationships.
- Can understand both advantages and limitations of the individual psychological perspective on situations at work and in society.
Entry requirements
Recommended previous knowledge
Teaching methods
Lectures and discussions
Compulsory learning activities
Written examination, duration 5 hours
Grades: A-F
Examination support material
More about examination support material