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PL425 Form, Space and Design

Course description for academic year 2020/2021

Contents and structure

Introduction to

- Landscape Architecture

- Site Analysis for Parks and Urban Open Spaces

- Visual Communications

- Land Art

- Digital Design Tools

Learning Outcome


After completing the course, the student should:

- know how forms and spaces shape our surroundings and affect us

- know some of the key concepts in Landscape Architecture

- know some elementary design methods for Landscape Architects


After completing the course, the student should:

- have the ability to outline and communicate design ideas visually

- have the ability to recognize architectural qualities in urban parks and spaces

- have the ability to reflect on and evaluate his/her own, and others', work


After completing the course, the student should:

- be able to analyse and describe urban parks and spaces and spatial experiences

- be able to carry out a design process in Landscape Architecture

- be able to create simple design drawings by hand, and digitally

Entry requirements


Recommended previous knowledge

  • Arts and crafts
  • Architecture and design
  • Visual communication

Teaching methods

Project work and lectures. Creative work with guidance, both individually and in teams.

Compulsory learning activities

The students must complete mandatory assignments and presentations.


Part 1: Portfolio, accounts for 60 % of the final grade

Part 2: Practical exam in groups: Exibithion with presentation, accounts for 40 % of the final grade.

Grading scale: A-E/F (fail)

Course reductions

  • PL425 - Teikning, form, farge - Reduction: 10 studypoints