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FYS220 Physiotheraphy in Health Promotion and Preventive work

Course description for academic year 2021/2022

Contents and structure

This course is directed at health promotion and preventive work. Focus is on the people, environment and the relation between people and environment. Health promotion is described as the process of enabling people to get increased control over- and improve their health. To reach this goal, it is necessary to identify needs and aspirations, and through motivational work and social support, guide people to learning and developement, in order to cope better within their environment. The course is also directed towards preventive work, where focus is on persons movement in relation to their work environment, and the process of making work arenas more safe and healthy. To reach this goal it is necessary to identify and reduce physical and psychosocial risk factors, and increase environmental and personal factors promoting health. (The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, 1986. The Norwegian Act of Working environment, 2005. The Norwegian Act of Community based health- and caring services, 2011.)

 The course has three focuses in three projects:

  1. Physiotherapy and occupational Health
  2. Physical capacity testing
  3. Physical activity as an approach to better health

Learning Outcome

A student who has completed the course should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:

The student...

  • has broad knowledge of health, function, quality of life and coping
  • has knowledge of the significance of cultural and social conditions for public health and occupational health
  • has broad knowledge of movement, physical activity, ergonomic factors and guidance as health-promoting and disease-preventing measures
  • knows the health-promoting and disease-preventing importance of nutrition, hygiene and infection control
  • has knowledge of health and social policy, priority and guidelines, for health-promoting and preventive activities, and political planning and decision-making processes
  • knows new thinking and innovation processe

The student....

  • can investigate the state of health in different groups in the population, as well as what are health-promoting and inhibiting factors
  • can investigate and assess risk factors, and masters methods for following this up systematically
  • can present physiotherapy knowledge, adapted to different target groups, and motivate people to use and develop their resources.
  • can guide participants, patients and relatives and relevant healthcare professionals who are in the process of learning, coping and changing
  • can use technology to promote function and participation, both at individual and system level
  • can plan and carry out innovative projects and systematic quality preparatory work processes 

General competence:
The students...

  • has insight into how the interaction between physiological processes, personal-, social-, environmental- and cultural conditions affect the individual's health, function and participation
  • can present knowledge about health-promoting and disease-preventing work to different targetgroups
  • has insight into the connections between health, education, work and living conditions
  • can plan and implement measures that promote good public health and occupational health
  • can plan and implement systematic professional development projects and participate in service innovation
  • has insight into the significance of meaningful activity and work participation for health

Entry requirements

The course is only open to students who have been admitted to a bachelor's degree in physiotherapy and students from physiotherapy educations / institutions the education has an agreement with.

Passed  all the subjects of the three previous semesters.

Recommended previous knowledge


Teaching methods

Lectures that provide summaries of the knowledge base within health-promoting and preventive work. Two weeks of fieldwork. Project work in Groups, where the groups work with real challenges in the fields of occupational health and public health. The project work are presented in seminars and in written reports with the intention of integrating, applying and presenting central professional knowledge.

Compulsory learning activities

The following learning activities must be approved for students to sit for exam:

  • 80% attendance at student active teaching (project work, internships, group- and field work)
  • Field work for a total of two weeks, project 1 and 3.
  • Project note in project 1, on workplace analysis
  • Poster with presentation in project 1
  • Testing and retesting of physical capacity, project 2
  • Seminar presentation in group on statistics related to project 2 

The work requirements are valid for 4 semesters​


Written project assignment in group.

Adjusting oral exam in group, 40 minutes per group. 10 minutes presentation, 10 minutes opponent group and 10 minutes examination of examiners Time and place for the exam, See ...

Assessment terms
Graded scale A to F, where A to E are passed grades and F is not passed

Examination support material


More about examination support material

Course reductions

  • BFY225 - Health Promotion and Preventive Work - Reduction: 15 studypoints