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HSPED802 Optional modules

Course description for academic year 2021/2022

Contents and structure

The course contains a set of 20-hour modules where the participants choose 5 modules. It is recommended to choose the module Pedagogical portefolio as one of the modules where the participants receive guidance on how to write the assignment that can be used as documentation of competence at associate professor level.

The modules are spesialization of topics linked to themes in the Introductory course. The modules will be available for the participants' registration at the beginning of the semester

Learning Outcome


  • select, justify and further develop appropriate learning activities, teaching and assessment methods in relation to academic goals and educational programs


  • plan and implement Reseach and development-based teaching and involve students in Reseach and development -based learning processes.


General competency


  • contribute to academic and pedagogical innovation through the choice of varied teaching methods that include the use of digital tools

Teaching methods

Discussion, student activity, lectures, group work, self-study, peer guidance and online learning activeties


Written assignment

Examination support material

All material can be used

More about examination support material