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ING2043 Fire Dynamics

Course description for academic year 2021/2022

Contents and structure

The course will providestudents with thorough understanding of chemistry, physics andfluid mechanicsfor firesandinteractionswiththe firecommunity.Introduction tofirecauses,harmful effects offiresand possibleconsequence reducing measurescontainedin the subject.

Learning Outcome


The student

  • Can analyze and use chemical reactions in connection with a fire related to energy production, flame temperature and combustion products.
  • Can apply the theory of heat transfer during conduction, convection and heat radiationin related to fire.
  • Can explain fire as a phenomenon including the stages of fire.
  • Can explain and calculate how a fire is influenced by the environment (smoke, walls, roof). The knowledge will be developed through theory and experiment.
  • Can explain and calculate smoke production, plume theory and transport of smoke.
  • Can explain and calculate flammability limits and damaging effects of smoke.
  • Can explain how fire affects the community through fire causes and fire statistics.
  • Has knowledge of research and development in the field.
  • Can keep his knowledge up to date within the field.



The student can

  • Calculate heat transfer through structures and between solids.
  • Calculate flammability limits, flame temperature, ignition temperature of liquids and gases.
  • Consider and calculate fire development.
  • Calculate smoke development and smoke spreading.
  • Calculate fire influence on simple structures.
  • Measure fire parameters such as temperature, heat flux and mass.
  • Apply academic knowledge supported by literature and research results, to solve problems and make founded choices.
  • demonstrates a critical view on professional practice, individually and in teamwork, and adjusts this under guidance.

-General qualification:

The student:

  • Can present the specialized knowledge, laboratory and measuring reports.
  • Can use computer tools to perform calculations and present the results.
  • Can reflect over his work in a team and schedule tasks.
  • Can identify solutions in his field and contribute to discussion related to impact and significance of the solution.

Entry requirements


Recommended previous knowledge

Chemistry and Environment; Physics; Analysis and Linear Algebra; Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics .

Teaching methods

Lectures, exercises, demonstrations, laboratory exercises and use of simple computer tools.

Compulsory learning activities



Part 1: Portfolio, accounts for 50 % of the final grade.

Part 2: Written exam, 3 hours, accounts for 50 % of the final grade.

Grade:  A - E / passed;  F / failed.

Both parts must be passed.

Examination support material

Written exam: Simple calculator: Allowed calculator is Casio fx-82 (all varieties: ES, ES Plus, EX, Solar etc.)

More about examination support material