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ING3059 Process Technology

Course description for academic year 2021/2022

Contents and structure

The course gives a thorough introduction of the usual types of equipment for process industry, include the structure, function and theoretical basis. Process equipment like pumps, valves, heat exchangers, compressors, gas turbines, stream turbines and example for industrial processes are an essential part of the subject.

Learning Outcome


The student

  • Has basic knowledge of issues related to pipes and parts of pipes.
  • Can explain the construction and function of heat exchangers providing optimal heat transfer in some process cases.
  • Can explain different applications and function of different valve types.
  • Has basic knowledge of centrifugal pumps, construction and function and knows displacement pumps and other types.
  • Has knowledge of cooling processes and heat pumps and how these are built up.
  • Knows different types of compressors and their application.
  • Knows the construction of gas turbines, standard types and development regarding to efficiency and availability.
  • Knows the structure and application of steam turbines.
  • Has broad knowledge of environment and resource challenges regarding to thermal production of electricity and heat.


The students can

  • Design new pipes, find pressure losses or maximum flow rate through the existing pipe.
  • Design tube heat exchanger considering number of pipes, length and inside, outside  temperature difference.
  • Choose valves according to NORSOK standard and can carry out simple capacity calculations of control valves.
  • Dimension a centrifugal pump regarding to power requirement, avoid cavitation, use pump diagram and  characteristic of the facility.
  • Use state variables (from data tables and diagrams, such as i-x charts for humid air and various Mollier diagrams) and convert between different devices.
  • Calculate performance from compressor, condenser and evaporator in a cooling circuit (heat pump).
  • Calculate performance from gas turbines, boiler systems, steam turbines.
  • Set up mass and energy balances over a defined control volume.
  • Find different efficiencies for subsystem and main system and evaluate the quality.

-General qualification:

The student can:

  • Apply standards and guidelines related to the subject.
  • Exchange views on the state of the art and challenges in the field.
  • Can plan and execute tasks within the field.

Entry requirements


Recommended previous knowledge

Thermodynamics and Fluiddynamics, Processtechnics I

Teaching methods

Lectures, calculation exercises, project in groups.

Compulsory learning activities

1. Participation at excursion to an industrial facility

2. Up to 2 assignments/tests


Written exam, 5 hours, accounts for 100 % of the final grade.

Grade A-E/ passed ; F/ failed.

Examination support material

Simple calculator: Allowed calculator is Casio fx-82 (all varieties: ES, ES Plus, EX, Solar etc.)

Technical table of formulas (Pedersen, Gustavsen, Kaasa og Olsen) is handed out during the exam.

More about examination support material