PRAKHB6105 Clinical studies with focus on long term ill patients
Course description for academic year 2021/2022
Contents and structure
The course emphasises knowledge and clinical practice in relation to elderly and long-term ill patients in institutions. People with prolonged function failure constitutes a vital aspect of the course. Emphasis will be placed on reflection and knowledge of the quality of life of elderly and long-term ill patients in institutions. In this practical study the student learns about the significance of interaction, on levels pertaining to the individual, institutions and society as a whole, on the development of sound professional practice.
Praktisk informasjon
- Studenten må være forberedt på å gjennomføre praksis i distriktet (praksisplasser HVL studiested Haugesund har avtaler med).
- Praksissted/student lager turnus på 240 timer, jevnt fordelt over 8 uker.
- I praksis skal studenten ha fokus på klinisk arbeid i direkte kontakt med pasienter og pårørende.
- Turnusen godkjennes av lærer og studentansvarlig-/kontaktsykepleier på praksissted i uke 1 eller 2.
- Studenten skal i størst mulig grad følge kontaktsykepleiers turnus.
- Studenten skal gå dag, kveld, helg og natt (der det er mulig).
- Veiledningsgruppe med lærer er obligatorisk og regnes som praksis.
- For at et praksisemne skal kunne vurderes til bestått, må studenten ha vært til stede minimum 90% av den planlagte tiden på praksisstedet.
- Fravær over 10 %, uansett årsak, gir ikke bestått praksis.
- Studenten oppfordres til kontinuerlig å jobbe inn eventuelt fravær på inntil 10% (fraværsdag 1-3), der det er mulig for praksisstedet.
- Dersom sykdom eller andre forhold studenten ikke rår over fører til fravær utover 10%, må legeattest (eller annen gyldig dokumentasjon) leveres studieadministrasjonen senest 3 virkedager utover 10 % fravær, for at praksisforsøket ikke skal bli regnet som et forsøk.
- Fravær på mellom 10% og 20% kan likevel, hvis mulig, arbeides inn i løpet av praksisperioden etter avtale med kontaktsykepleier og lærer fra høgskolen.
- I særtilfeller kan fravær jobbes inn i inntil én uke etter avsluttet praksisperiode. I slike tilfeller ligger beslutningsmyndighet hos studieleder.
- Skifte av vakt uten godkjenning fra sykepleier eller lærer regnes som fravær.
- Studenten har ansvar for å rapportere fravær til avdelingen.
- Det gjennomføres obligatoriske begynner-, midt- og sluttsamtaler i alle 8 ukers praksisperioder. Midt- og sluttsamtaler gjennomføres med utgangspunkt i AssCE-skjema. Studenten bør merke seg at det forventes forskjellig nivå på sykepleieutøvelsen i forhold til hvor langt studenten er kommet i studiet og hvor mange praksisperioder en har gjennomført.
- Studenten må få sine obligatoriske oppgaver godkjent av lærer for å få bestått praksisperiode.
- Ved ikke bestått/ikke fullført praksis må studenten på ny gjennomføre praksis i sin helhet med tilhørende oppgaver. Dette gjelder uansett årsak for ikke bestått/ikke fullført praksis.
Learning Outcome
The Student:
- Has knowledge of appropriate conduct and cooperation with patients and next of kin in nursing homes/institutions.
- Has knowledge of means to maintain basic needs of patients living in nursing homes/institutions.
- Has knowledge of different ways to facilitate a therapeutic milieu, including physical surroundings, factors pertaining to contentment and activities.
- Has knowledge of relevant means of communication, especially communication promoting client participation and interaction with patients and their next of kin.
- Has knowledge of information, guidance and teaching relevant for the patient and the next of kin.
- Has knowledge of the nursing process as a method in practising nursing to patients living in nursing homes/institutions.
- Has knowledge of relevant illnesses and disabilities, of treatment, rehabilitation and relevant nursing.
- Has knowledge of palliative nursing and alleviating treatment to seriously ill and dying patients and their next of kin.
- Has knowledge of relevant preparations, examinations, nursing procedures and use of technical utilities.
- Has knowledge of drugs, effects, side effects and management of drugs.
- Has knowledge of cooperation, work management and organisation of nursing homes/institutions, and cooperation between the different levels in the health system.
- Has knowledge of how various factors and interdisciplinary cooperation may contribute to improvement processes and a sound care pathway.
- Has knowledge of risk factors in relation to patients living in nursing homes/institutions.
- Has knowledge of current guidelines, regulations and legislation governing this part of the health service.
- Has knowledge of relevant resources in the local community/municipality - for instance visitation services, volunteer centres, and patient and user organisations.
The Student:
- Uses purposeful communication verbally and non-verbally.
- Uses relevant principles for information, guidance and instruction with patients, next of kin and other collaborators.
- Identifies, assesses, prioritises, plans, implements, follows up, reports and documents the need for nursing to patients/users with various disorders. This is carried out in agreement with the patient, the next of kin and other co-workers.
- Identifies the patient¿s resources and motivates the patient to use as well as strengthen them.
- Cooperates with patients, next of kin and volunteers and uses their knowledge and resources as contributions in maintaining a meaningful everyday life.
- Carries out nursing procedures, administers drugs according to current guidelines, and assists in examinations and treatment in a professionally justifiable manner.
- Is capable of interacting with own occupational group, and is able to cooperate interdisciplinary and interdepartmentally.
- Prevents complications and attends to the safety of the patient in line with updated knowledge.
- Attends to the patient¿s autonomy and integrity in accordance with ethical and legal guidelines.
- Uses knowledge from syllabus, research and development work in the nursing practise.
- Reflects on own professional practise and modifies it during guidance.
General Competence:
The Student:
- Demonstrates insight into the significance of communication in promoting trust and establishing a sense of safety in patients and their next of kin.
- Demonstrates independence, accuracy and a professional justifiable manner of all kinds of nursing, for example through carrying out nursing procedures, management of drugs and through examinations and treatment.
- Complies with the duty of confidentiality and acts in accordance with professional, ethical and legal guidelines.
- Demonstrates respect, understanding and charity and takes each person¿s situation and perception seriously, regardless of culture, religion and perception of reality.
- Demonstrates responsibility for own learning, takes intitivative in learning situations and utilises instruction actively and constructively.
- Demonstrates an ability to reflect critically on own capability to practise nursing to patients/users in nursing homes/institutions.
Entry requirements
Prerequisites : The student must pass practice 5.
Recommended previous knowledge
All preceding courses.
Teaching methods
Integration of theory and practise, guidance and reflection, teamwork, supervised practical training/student follow-up, demonstrations, written obligatory assignments/work and digital assignments, oral presentation, project work, classmate response, skills training, reflection notes, self evaluation, seminars.
Compulsory learning activities
Examination support material
More about examination support material