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ØKB2006 Tax Laws 1

Course description for academic year 2021/2022

Contents and structure

The course  shall give the student knowledge abut the tax system, such as calculating taxes for individuals. The course includes mainly:

Tax liability to Norway: Full tax liability and limited tax liability.

Tax domicile: Tax domicile and location based taxes.

Accruals: The realization principle and the cash principle.

Taxable income: Work income, capital income, and capital profits.

Deductible expenses: Deductions related to your income and other deductible expenses.

The correct tax object: Taxation of married couples, common-law spouses, and children.

Taxable property: Taxable property in local and national equations.

Principles for taxation of businesses.

Fundamental principles of Norwegian value-added tax legislation.

Learning Outcome


The Student :

  • Knows the main rules for income- and property taxation for individuals.
  • Knows the main principles for determination of  input value for assets received as gift or heritage.
  • Knows  how to plan the future taxation.
  • Knows the basic tax administration law, tax payment and central rules for severability.
  • Knows basic principles for taxation of businesses
  • Knows fundamental principles of Norwegian value-added tax legislation


The Student :

  • Can calculate general income, personal income, and taxable property based on the Norwegian tax laws, regulations, tax decisions and tax assessments.
  • Knows how to calculate net taxes, social security, bracket tax, and property tax based on Norwegian tax laws, directives, tax decisions and tax assessments.
  •  Can estimate the consequences of alternative tax decisions.
  •  Is able to do ethical reflections regarding future taxation
  • Can calculate outgoing and incoming VAT, as well as carry out simple tax settlement.

General Qualifications

The Student :

  • Can acquire relevant new knowledge within the areas of  knowledge and skills as mentioned above.
  • Is able to express central subject matter through relevant forms of expression and discuss views  and experiences with other professionals.
  • Can consider the course  in a larger context in a social perspective.

Entry requirements


Recommended previous knowledge


Teaching methods

Lectures, group exercises, and guidance on taxation problems.

Compulsory learning activities



Individual home examination, 7 days, 30%

Written school exam, 4 hours, 70%

A pass is needed in both parts

Grade scale A-F

Examination support material

Part 1, Home exam (individual); All printed and written study aids may be used

Part 2, Written exam; All calculator models allowed, Tax Law with regulations (Skattelovsamling med forskrifter)


More about examination support material

Course reductions

  • SA025 - Skatterett I - Reduction: 6 studypoints
  • ØKB2032 - Skatterett I - Reduction: 6 studypoints
  • ØKB032 - Skatterett I - Reduction: 6 studypoints
  • SA025 - Skatterett I - Reduction: 6 studypoints
  • ØBR111 - Skatte- og avgiftsrett 1 - Reduction: 7.5 studypoints
  • JU6-1001 - Skatte- og avgiftsrett 1 - Reduction: 7.5 studypoints
  • JU6-1004 - Skatte- og avgiftsrett for eigendomsmeglarar - Reduction: 7 studypoints