FØS8112 Organization and management in the aquaculture sector
Course description for academic year 2022/2023
Contents and structure
This course provides students with a basic introduction to issues within organisation, management, leadership an HR in different types of businesses generally and in aquaculture industry in particular. The course introduces consepts and theories focusing on chalenges and dilemmas in the pratice field.
Learning Outcome
A candidate shall achieve the following learning outcomes defined as knowledge, skills and general competance:
After completion the student will have knowledge of concepts abnd theories related to:
- value creation and goal achievement in organisations
- organisational forms and-structures
- relationship between individuals, organisations and society
- culture. power and conflicts in organisations
- communication- and decsion-makin processes
- learning, innovation and change in organisations
- management and leadership in and ogf organisations
- legitimacy and the social responsibility of organisations
- the impact of the norwegian work life model on organisation, management and leadership
- the consequenses of globalization and digitalisation for organising, managemt and leadership
- Central HR prosesses
- The HR functions contributions to value creation to ensure the organisatipon reaches its goals
After completion the student can apply a professional approach and theoretical frameworks in order to_
- describe how organisations function and apply theories and models in the students own organisation
- analyse different issues and identify a need for change
- be a driving force and a resource person in promoting efficiency, well-being, a healthy work environment, legitimacy and goal achievement
General competance:
After completion the student is able to:
- reflect on the functional level of the organisation of employment
- reflect on his/her own practice
- identify opportunities for and needs for change, and transform these into practical results
Entry requirements
Recommended previous knowledge
Knowledge of organization and management in general and in the aquaculture sector could be an advantage
Teaching methods
Educational activities as lectures, dialogue, discussions, solving of case and assignments, individual and group based activities
Compulsory learning activities
Two work assignments/activities must be approved in order to do the exam
Individual project assignment
Examination support material
All written and printed aids allowed
More about examination support material