ING3044 Field Training
Course description for academic year 2023/2024
Contents and structure
Any form of learning takes place at the workplace the students have chosen. Experience can be obtained in form of a summer job, part-time job or work in a company over an extended period. The course will provide students with experience and practical skills regarding to practical engineering in the industry and public sector, and shall increase contact and acceptance between the university and industry.
Learning Outcome
The student
- Can describe the experience and is able to make professional assessments in the field.
The student
- Can plan and carry out tasks and projects over a period of time, alone and in team and can evaluate the work.
- Can adapt and participate in the processes and methods in the field.
- Can identify and analyze the academic challenges in the field.
- Can use the tools, technics and technical terminology in the field.
- Can provide and present the subject and the results from the work in the field and is able to write a technical report.
General qualification:
The student:
- Knows the used advanced technologies in economy.
- Can reflect over her/his work in the field and adjust it under guidance.
- Can adept to requirements and methods in industrial work.
- Can communicate and cooperate with the involved stakeholders.
Entry requirements
Passed 80 credits from engineering studies, starting the practical period.
Recommended previous knowledge
Teaching methods
Work experience, integration of theory and practice. During the practical period will the student actively participate in the field, work with internal and external supervisor and attend meetings with company and college.
The course is an option in the elective module.
Practical information
The "Søknadsskjema for godkjent praksisplass" (approved company form) includes information about name and address of the company, the responsible person and the periode for the internship. The internship can be continuous, 1-2 days a week in the semester, individual solutions are possible. The practical part takes 200 hours. The students have to acquire a study place themselves (school may help) and organize the workplace (office, pc, tools, and so on). The student will not receive compensation for expences related to the internship.
Compulsory learning activities
The application form ("søknadsskjema for godkjent praksisplass") must be submitted before beginning of the practical period. 1st September is deadline.
Portfolio, accounts for 100 % of the final grade.
Grade: Passed/failed.
Confirmed timetables must be submitted to pass the portfolio.
If failed, a revised portfolio may be submitted in the following semester.
Examination support material
All support material is permitted
More about examination support material