MAS550 Guided self-study
Course description for academic year 2023/2024
Contents and structure
The guided self-study is an elective master course at Faculty of Engineering and Science, for students with a bachelor degree in engineering or science.
The intention is that the student will be trained in analytical skills and literature survey in relation to a defined problem statement. This can serve as a preparation for the writing process of a master thesis upon completion of a master's degree. The origin of the problem statement can be defined by the students own business idea, from an ongoing research project within the relevant engineering Department. The topic might also be within technology or science needed for the planned writing of the master thesis. In these cases the topic for the study will be in an engineering topic well suited for the topic for the master thesis. Some of the input in the report might come from own laboratory work.
This course aims at giving the student practice in advanced technical report writing based on the candidate's previous knowledge in the selected area. The aim is to give the student possibility to a technical development of an innovative idea or to be a research assistant supervised by an active scholar. The idea is that the student shall take an active role and do a limited amount of work in an ongoing research project. If the student wants to develop an innovative idea, the principle is to develop the technical aspect of the students own business idea, or in special occasions an existing company idea.
Learning Outcome
On completion of the course, the student has advanced knowledge of:
- Write an advanced technological report on a limited problem statement.
- Be capable of understanding results, conditions and conclusions presented in a research paper.
- Understand the limitations of the conclusion of the work presented in the report.
On completion of the course the student shall be able to:
- Structuring a technical report based on a defined problem.
- Define suitable research methods for examining a technological problem statement
- Use relevant research tools for the actual problem limited to mathematical modelling and/or laboratory experiments if they are relevant for the problem statement
- Search in technological literature databases on well-defined problem statements.
On completion of the course the student:
- Present the selected, advanced technical problem/task for a highly skilled audience.
- Knows when further expertise is necessary, and where it can be found.
Entry requirements
A bachelor degree in engineering.
Teaching methods
The most important input shall come from self-study and supervision by a qualified researcher within the relevant department. Before start of the course, the student might present the actual innovation to the relevant department in order to find a capable supervisor. In order to work together with a qualified researcher, the student might also contact the researcher directly or the relevant department in order to find a competent supervisor. The problem statemenet will be approved by the superviser and the course responsible.
Compulsory learning activities
Course paper with adjusted oral examination.
Grading scale is A-F where F is fail.
The deadline for submitting the assignment will be announced electronically to the student. The paper should be written in English or Norwegian language. The examination result for the paper will be publish at Studentweb minimum 24 hours ahead of the oral examination.
Adjusted oral examination, 45 minutes
Time and place will be announced electronically to the candidate.
The candidate will give a presentation of the course paper 15 minutes followed by a session with question and answers, up to 30 minutes. In case of re-censoring of the paper the same presentation has to be used again.
The grade for the course paper may be adjusted up or down by maximum one grade.
After approval from the course responsible the term paper might be replaced by an oral exam. This is normally for calculation intensive topics or for topics that involves use of a dedicated software.
Examination support material
More about examination support materialCourse reductions
- MOA280 - Rettleia sjølvstudium - Reduction: 10 studypoints
- INN526 - Forprosjekt masteroppgåve: Forskningsprosjekt og litteraturgjennomgang - Reduction: 10 studypoints
- MOM270 - Rettleia sjølvstudium - Reduction: 10 studypoints