SYKF360P Practice Study, Professional Management, Service Development and Innovation
Course description for academic year 2023/2024
Contents and structure
This module is a supervised clinical practice which covers patient-oriented nursing to patients with mental illnesses/psychiatric conditions. Students use the nursing process in their nursing practice, with particular emphasis on health promotion, prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation in interaction with patients, relatives and other health professionals.
Emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary collaboration, principles for the therapeutic environment, patient safety, user participation and professional management.
This module also includes the following topics:
- Documentation and systems for medical journals
- Current government regulations with specific focus on the use of force
- Management of medications and -calculation
The expected workload for this module is approx 405 hours. 270 hrs are allocated to patient care. The remaining time for compulsory learning activities (work requirement) and self-study.
90% mandatory attendance in practice.
Learning Outcome
Upon module completion, students will have attained the following total learning outcomes, divided into knowledge, skills and general competence:
The student
- has knowledge about health- and social policies including current regulations from the authorities and the use of force.
The student
- can use professional knowledge of health and illness related to psychiatric illnesses/conditions to systematically observe, assess, conclude, implement and document the appropriate nursing actions, and evaluate the effect of these and adjust according to need.
- can use professional knowledge to initiate or contribute to interdisciplinary, interprofessional and cross-sectorial collaboration in order to ensure a coordinated, comprehensive and coherent course of treatment across providers and levels
- can assess potentially threatening situations to patients, relatives and staff, and implement measures to prevent such incidents.
- can consider and deal with professional, ethical and legal issues, according to relevant legislation and guidelines, and adjust nursing practice accordingly.
- can use relational, communicational and tutorial skills in relation to users, patients and relatives.
- can apply knowledge of medical examinations, treatments and follow-up to support the patient's ability to make informed decisions.
- can use up-to-date knowledge about the health and social services system, rules and regulations, and guidelines for nursing practice.
- can use the available tools to analyze, evaluate, and document and communicate nursing practice.
- can find and assess risk factors on the individual, system or environmental level, and to document, systematically follow up, and implement relevant measures
The student….
- is familiar with quality indicators and the standard terminology used in nursing documentation.
- is aware of and understands the use of technology and digital solutions on individual and system-based levels of health service.
- is able to plan and implement responsible handling of medications including calculation of dosage and ensures proper use of medication among patients.
- is able to plan and implement communication and interaction with patients and relatives based on respect, cooperation and integrity.
- is able to plan and implement targeted collaborations with patients/users, relatives and other service providers, and be able to prevent and resolve conflicts.
- is able to plan and implement measures to ensure safe transfer of patients between different units and levels of the health services.
- is able to plan and implement service development in collaboration with patients and relatives.
- is able to communicate professional knowledge and relevant results from research and development, covering theoretical and practical issues, both orally and in writing, and justify choices according to knowledge-based practice.
- is able to present opinions and share experiences with others in the field, both orally and in writing, and contribute to the development of best practice.
Entry requirements
SYK100, SYK130, SYK120P, SYK140, SYK200, SYK220P, SYK230P
Recommended previous knowledge
SYK110, SYK250, SYK300
Teaching methods
- Group work
- Multimedia resources
- Student presentations
- Skills training
- Simulation
- Tutoring
- Peer feedback
- Self-assessment
- Problem solving
- Written work
- Self-study
Compulsory learning activities
The following compulsory learning activities must be completed before students can work with patients:
1: Mandatory participation in lessons preparing students for practice, skills training and simulation. 90% attendance is compulsory.
2: Individual written exam in calculation of medications (must be 100% correct) as part of SYK320P or SYK330P.
Compulsory learning activities are valid for four semesters.
Clinical practice is considered passed/failed after a final assessment of the candidate’s performance during clinical practice. To pass, students must have reached their learning outcomes and met the required 90% attendance.
Continuation of practice if failed: If a student does not pass, he/she will need to do the practice again, together with the following year’s class.
Examination support material
More about examination support material