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ØKB3120 Business law

Course description for academic year 2024/2025

Learning Outcome


The student:

  • Has acquired a good understanding of and summary over the applicable legal rules within the various areas of law covered by the course (see Course Contents above).
  • Has knowledge of general legal methods and exercise techniques.
  • Knows the basic principles for entering into and interpreting contracts.
  • Knows basic sales laws and the effects of a beach contract.
  • Knows principles for creating, transferring, insuring, and dismissing pecuniary claims.
  • Knows the legal rules that are particularly important for running a private business, including laws that affect the internal organization of enterprises and the regulations for an enterprise's relationships to customers, other creditors, and government authorities.
  • Knows the conditions and principles for managing a bankruptcy.
  • Knows about economic criminality and transactions and the conditions for criminal liability.


The student:

  • Can recognizes or identify legal issues and questions of jurisprudence within the field's various areas.
  • Can use applicable laws to solve and answer the legal questions that are raised with the various areas covered by the course.
  • Can formulate a legal problem based on actual legal rules for a specific, practical case.
  • Can communicate core legal information by using relevant technical expressions.

General Qualifications

The student:

  • Is able to understand and participate in discussions concerning legal issues. The student can substantiate and defend given legal solutions, but at the same time can see that a given problem may have alternative solutions.
  • Is able to acquire new knowledge within the legal areas specified above, and can acquire knowledge about other legal areas that have significance for accounting and auditing work.
  • Can reflect upon ethical problems within the relevant areas of law.
  • Can see the subject in a larger social perspective.

Recommended previous knowledge


Teaching methods

Lectures and guidance on exercises provided during the lectures. The students must also learn about the subject area through independent study. It will be an advantage for the students to form their own study groups in order to solve exercises and discuss relevant issues.

1 voluntary written assignment, individual.

Compulsory learning activities


Course reductions

  • ØKB2052 - Forretnings- og arbeidsrett - Reduction: 2 studypoints
  • ØKB3116 - Forretnings- og arbeidsrett - Reduction: 2 studypoints
  • ØKB2002FORØK - Forretnings- og arbeidsrett - Reduction: 2 studypoints
  • ØKB052 - Forretningsjus - Reduction: 2 studypoints
  • SA021 - Rettslære I - Reduction: 2 studypoints
  • Ø15 - Rettslære I - Reduction: 2 studypoints
  • ØKB2030 - Rettslære II - Reduction: 7.5 studypoints
  • ØKB030 - Rettslære II (revisor) - Reduction: 7.5 studypoints
  • ØAF103 - Rettsvitskap 1 - Reduction: 7.5 studypoints